Home Home-Remedies 3 Homemade recipes to prevent cancer

3 Homemade recipes to prevent cancer


The best home remedy to prevent cancer is to have a healthy and balanced diet because some foods have the ability to slow down the spread and differentiation of cells, being able to prevent cancer.

Thus, it is advised to consume many fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, as they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances that are considered protective factors for various types of cancer, such as breast, stomach and esophagus. Therefore, the more colorful the dish, the better. Find out which foods fight cancer.

Another very important natural remedy is vitamin D, which can be acquired with a 15 minute daily sunbath, early in the morning or late afternoon, or through foods such as eggs and fish. Adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with lower rates of cancer of the cervix, breast, ovary, kidneys, pancreas and prostate.

Food to prevent cancer

Here are 3 natural recipes that help prevent cancer:

1. Green tea

Green tea is a good source of antioxidants and, therefore, can be considered a good natural remedy to prevent cancer. See other benefits of green tea.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Method of preparation

Add the green tea in boiling water and wait for 10 minutes. Then strain and add the lemon juice, as it helps to decrease the bitter taste characteristic of green tea.

2. Broccoli juice

Broccoli is a vegetable rich in the substance sulforaphane, which acts as an antioxidant, helping to prevent some types of cancer, such as stomach and intestine cancer, however it does not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor if this type of cancer is already installed. Also check out 7 good reasons to eat broccoli


  • Half a cup of broccoli sprouts500 mL of coconut water or whole grape juice

Method of preparation

To make the broccoli juice just put all the ingredients in a blender and take it next.

3. Soursop leaf tea

Soursop has an antioxidant substance, acetogenin, which is able to prevent genetic mutation of cells, being considered a good strategy to prevent cancer from setting in. Find out what are the properties of soursop and how to consume


  • 10 leaves of soursop1L of water

Method of preparation

Add the soursop leaves to the boiling water and wait for 10 minutes. After that, strain it and then you can consume it.

These recipes, of green tea, broccoli and soursop juice, can be used as a way to prevent cancer but have no scientific proof that it can treat or cure cancer.

See also 4 juice recipes to fight and prevent cancer.

3 Homemade recipes to prevent cancer