Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for ingrown hairs

Home remedy for ingrown hairs


An excellent home remedy for ingrown hairs is to exfoliate the area with circular movements. This exfoliation will remove the most superficial layer of the skin, helping to unravel the hair.

However, in addition to exfoliating, it is also important to avoid wearing tight clothes right after epilation because this is one of the main causes of ingrown hairs.


  • 1 tablespoon of cornmeal; 1 tablespoon of oats; 3 tablespoons of liquid soap.

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients in a container until you get a homogeneous mixture. During the bath, rub this mixture in the region with ingrown hairs and rinse with water. After bathing, you can also apply a moisturizing cream on the spot to make the skin more flexible and easier to pierce through the hair.

This exfoliation should be done at least 2 to 3 times a week, with the results beginning to be observed from the first week of use.

What not to do

One should not try to unclog the hair with tweezers or fingers, as the region can become inflamed, the area around the hair becoming red, swollen and painful. Just exfoliate and when the hair comes out, remove it.

In addition, while the hair is ingrown, one should avoid passing the razor or waxing, as this will still make it difficult for the hair to unravel and come off.

When to see a doctor

It is important to see a dermatologist when the area around the hair becomes red, swollen, hot, painful and with the formation of pus, as this may mean that the growth site of the hair has become infected. In these cases, the dermatologist usually prescribes an antibiotic in the form of an ointment or tablet and anti-inflammatory ointments.

Home remedy for ingrown hairs