Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for bee sting

Home remedy for bee sting


In case of a bee sting, remove the sting of the bee with tweezers or a needle, being very careful that the poison does not spread, and wash the area with soap and water.

In addition, a good home remedy is to apply the aloe vera gel directly on the bite site, allowing it to act for a few minutes. Apply the gel to the bite with gentle movements, this procedure must be repeated 3 times a day. The pain and discomfort should alleviate little by little, but another homemade solution may be to apply the following homemade compress:

Homemade compress for bee sting


  • 1 clean gauze propolis some plantain leaves ( Plantago major)

Method of preparation

To prepare the compress, just wet a gauze with the propolis and add some plantain leaves, then apply under the bite. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash with cold water.

If the swelling persists, make the compress again and also apply an ice stone, alternating between the compress and the ice.

This home remedy also serves to treat the baby's bee sting.

Warning signs

Symptoms such as swelling, pain and burning should persist for approximately 3 days, and will gradually subside. But if, after the bee sting, it is difficult to breathe, it is recommended to take the victim to the hospital.

Special care is needed with bee stings, as they can generate an exaggerated allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock. This can occur in people who have an allergy or in case of several bee stings at the same time. See a doctor as soon as possible, as bee stings can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Home remedy for bee sting