Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for breast cracks

Home remedy for breast cracks


Two options of home remedies normally recommended by gynecologists and obstetricians are lanolin ointment and breast milk itself, as they are natural and have no negative effects for the baby or the mother, and their use is indicated every time after breastfeeding.

Even if the breasts are cracked and painful, it is recommended that breastfeeding be continued, as it is possible to avoid the accumulation of milk, which is even more painful. So it is important to use home remedies for cracking the breast right after the baby suckles.

Breast milk

Breast milk is a great home remedy for cracks in the breast, as it is moisturizing and healing, treating existing cracks and preventing the appearance of others. So, after breastfeeding it is recommended to pass some breast milk around the nipple and areola and let it dry naturally, without covering.

It is recommended that this procedure be performed several times a day, always after drinking is finished, because it is possible to hydrate the area and prevent the appearance of cracks.

In addition, to relieve discomfort, you can take a cold shower and go without a bra for about 15 minutes, exposing your breasts to the sun.

Lanolin ointment for nipple crack

Using a lanolin ointment, which you buy at pharmacies and drugstores, also has the same effect as breast milk. However, the amount of ointment that should be added should be equal to the size of a pea because when using more ointment, the nipples become moist, which may favor the occurrence of an infection, for example.

Nipple protectors can dry the skin, facilitating the appearance of cracks and, therefore, should be avoided. What can be done to complement the treatment is to place a cotton pad between the nipple and the bra to avoid discomfort.

What not to do

It is important to avoid using alcohol, merthiolate or moisturizing creams and ointments that were not recommended by the doctor, as it can harm the baby, since it comes in direct contact with the region. Thus, in case of cracks in the breast, it is important to consult the doctor, so that guidance is provided, and the discomfort can be relieved. Learn how to avoid cracking the breast.

Home remedy for breast cracks