Home Home-Remedies How to get tartar out of your teeth at home

How to get tartar out of your teeth at home


The tartar consists of the solidification of the bacterial film that covers the teeth and part of the gums, which ends up with a yellowish color and leaving the smile with a little aesthetic aspect.

Although the best way to combat tartar is to maintain adequate oral hygiene, which allows to reduce the daily accumulation of bacteria and, consequently, the formation of tartar, there are also some homemade techniques that can help eliminate this tartar, when it already exists.

Still, it is important to remember that removing tartar at home should not be a frequent practice, as it can end up being done wrong and harm oral health. It is always best to consult a dentist and do a well-targeted treatment, which usually includes a scaling session, popularly known as "teeth cleaning".

1. Cleaning with baking soda

This is perhaps the most popular way used to clean and whiten teeth. In fact, according to some studies, sodium bicarbonate can actually help fight tartar, since it can penetrate the bacterial plaque and increase the pH, which prevents it from solidifying.

However, and although there are promising effects, some researchers also argue that the continued use of bicarbonate, especially in high doses, can increase the porosity of the tooth, making it more sensitive. The ideal is to use this technique only with guidance from the dentist.


  • 1 coffee spoon of baking soda; toothpaste.

How to use

Place a piece of toothpaste on the brush, sprinkle with baking soda and then brush your teeth normally for 2 minutes. At the end, rinse your mouth with water.

This technique can be used 2 to 3 times a week, for 2 weeks, or according to the dentist's guidance.

2. Rinse with coconut oil

Another way to eliminate tartar naturally, and which has positive results in some studies, is the use of coconut oil. This is because, this oil seems to eliminate a large part of the bacteria present in the mouth, preventing the formation of tartar. In addition, when used at least once a day for 30 days, it also appears to whiten teeth.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

How to use

Place the spoon in the mouth and rinse with the oil for 5 to 10 minutes, 1 to 2 times a day. Finally, spit the oil into the trash and then rinse your mouth with water. It is recommended to avoid spitting the oil into the sink, as over time it can end up clogging the plumbing.

It is normal that in an initial phase it is difficult to rinse for several minutes in a row and, therefore, the ideal is to start with a few minutes and gradually increase.

If you want white teeth, you should also watch this video:

How to get tartar out of your teeth at home