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Home remedies for most common dsts


Medicinal plants such as mastic, celandine, horsetail and licorice can be used in compress form directly on the genital region in case of STDs such as gonorrhea, HPV, herpes, trichomoniasis and chlamydia. Know which plant to use in case of infection and how to use it.

It is important to emphasize that this should not be the only form of treatment for any STD, as in many cases it is necessary to take antibiotics and use genital ointments, according to medical guidelines. Check out how the treatment and remedies indicated by the doctor can be done here.

Home remedy for Gonorrhea

The aroeira sitz bath is indicated because it has anti-inflammatory properties that help to fight this infection.


  • 10 g of mastic peels1.5 L of water

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a saucepan and boil covered for about 7 to 10 minutes. When ammonia tea, place it in a clean bowl and sit in this water leaving the affected area directly in contact with the plant's tea, for 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day.

Home remedy for HPV

Applying a compress prepared with Celidonia and Tuia is a good natural strategy to fight HPV because they fight the virus, reducing the discomfort caused by the disease.


  • We have a wide range of products to suit your needs, including:

Method of preparation

Add the herbs to the alcohol, shake well and keep in a dry place, protected from light for 14 days. Stir daily and after 14 days strain to enjoy the tincture. Dilute 2 drops of this tincture in 60 ml of warm water and apply with a clean gauze directly on the affected area, leaving it to act for about 5 minutes. Rinse well afterwards.

Drinking olive leaf tea also helps to inhibit viral growth.

Home remedy for genital herpes

Washing the genital area with horsetail tea with musket rose helps in skin regeneration in case of genital herpes because these plants have a healing action.


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Method of preparation

Add the water and the mackerel in a pan and boil for a few minutes. Allow to warm, strain and then add 2 drops of muskete rose essence and wash the injured area with this tea.

Applying arnica compresses and diluting the tincture of St. John's wort in warm water and applying it as a compress also help to heal the wounds.

Home remedy for trichomoniasis

The sitz bath made with a mixture of herbs can help in the treatment of trichomoniasis because these plants have antimicrobial action.


  • We have a wide range of products to suit your needs, including:

Method of preparation

Boil the ingredients and let them cool. Strain and wash the penis, vagina and the entire affected region with this mixture of teas twice a day.

Home remedy for chlamydia

This herbal mixture can be used in case of chlamydia because it has anti-inflammatory action and helps to calm redness and skin irritation.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Method of preparation

Boil all the ingredients, let it warm and after straining, wet a compress in this tea and apply on the genitals allowing to act for about 5 minutes.

Home remedies for most common dsts