Home Home-Remedies Home remedies for allergic rhinitis

Home remedies for allergic rhinitis


An excellent home remedy for allergic rhinitis, which is a type of respiratory allergy, is mango juice with orange, but another good option is elderberry syrup.

But in order for these home remedies to have the expected effect, it is important that the patient continues to follow all the doctor's instructions and stay away from all situations that may favor the worsening of rhinitis, such as avoiding contact with animals that have fur and avoiding stay in dirty and dusty places.

1. Orange juice with mango

mango juice because mango has antioxidant properties, is blood purifying and has an expectorant action, which helps to eliminate accumulated secretions, being very useful in combating diseases such as rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma.

In addition, mango is rich in vitamins A, B and C and in the minerals calcium, iron and phosphorus, being a nutritious fruit.


  • 1 mango1 / 2 glass of pure orange juicea little water if needed

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender and then drink. It is recommended to take 400 ml of mango juice daily, while rhinitis symptoms persist.

Eating 1 mango as a dessert or snack, accompanied by crackers, is also a great way to enjoy its medicinal properties.

2. Elderberry syrup for allergic rhinitis


  • 4 to 5 branches of elderberry1 liter of water 1 kg of sugar20 g of citric acid (sold in pharmacies)

Method of preparation

Place the bunches of elderberries in a container, pour boiling water and add sugar and citric acid. Then mix the ingredients well and leave the mixture protected from light and heat, mixing twice a day for 2 days.

After this strain, heat the mixture to dissolve the sugar and citric acid well and place in a bottle. Take 1 tablespoon of the syrup 3 times a day.

Elderberry leaves for tea must be dry as fresh elderberry leaves can cause allergic reactions.

Home remedies for allergic rhinitis