Home Bulls Homeopathy: what is it for and some homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy: what is it for and some homeopathic remedies


Homeopathy is a type of treatment that uses the same substances that cause symptoms to treat or alleviate various types of illnesses, from asthma to depression, for example, following the general principle that "similar cure similar".

Normally, the substances used in homeopathy are diluted in water until a small amount of this substance is added to the final mixture, thus producing a homeopathic remedy that may be able to relieve symptoms instead of making them worse. Generally, the more diluted the homeopathic medicine, the greater the power of treatment.

Homeopathic treatment should always be indicated by a homeopath, who is the professional best able to adapt the treatment to the physical and emotional conditions of each person, and should never replace clinical treatment without prior knowledge from the doctor who prescribed it.

Examples of homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy can be used to help treat various types of diseases, the most common of which include:

Problem to be addressed Some homeopathic remedies available
Asthma and Bronchitis Tossemed or Almeida Prado nº10
Sinusitis Sinumed or Almeida Prado nº 3
The flu Gripemed; Almeida Prado nº5 or Oscillococcinum
Cough Tossemed or Stodal
Rheumatism Homeoflan
Dengue Proden
Depression and Anxiety Homeopax; Nervomed or Almeida Prado nº 35
Overweight Besomed

See other remedies used in homeopathy at: Homeopathic remedies.

These homeopathic remedies should always be used to complete the clinical treatment and, therefore, they should not replace the remedies prescribed by the doctor, also known as allopathic remedies.

In addition, although most homeopathic remedies are safe, some contain substances that can prevent the absorption of other remedies, and it is always necessary to inform the doctor when using any type of homeopathy remedy.

Does homeopathy work?

Homeopathy was created by a doctor trained in conventional medicine, called Samuel Hahnemann, with the aim of curing physical and psychological problems without the need to use chemical drugs that can cause side effects.

The World Health Organization authorizes the use of homeopathy for almost all diseases, but disapproves of its use for serious diseases, such as childhood diarrhea, malaria, tuberculosis, cancer and AIDS, for example, in which case the preferred clinical treatment should be used preferably. by the doctor.

How is the consultation with the homeopath

The consultation with a homeopath is very similar to that of a conventional medical doctor, as an assessment is made of each person, as well as tests that help to identify a diagnosis. However, in the case of the homeopath, he will also try to understand how the symptoms are affecting the daily life of each person and what other problems may be occurring in his life.

Thus, the consultation of the homeopath takes longer, lasting at least 30 minutes, as this professional can ask various types of questions to learn more about each person's personal life.

After this assessment, and after arriving at a diagnosis, the homeopath is able to indicate which homeopathic remedy to use, as well as the strength of its dilution, creating a therapeutic plan with doses, times and duration of treatment.

Get to know some home remedies to naturally treat some problems that are also treated with homeopathy:

Homeopathy: what is it for and some homeopathic remedies