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3 Thing that decrease metabolism


Spending many hours without eating anything, not sleeping well and spending hours in front of the TV, computer or cell phone are the 3 most common mistakes that prevent weight loss because they decrease metabolism.

It is normal for the metabolism to decrease over time and after completing 30 years the person can gain half a kilo per year, without changing anything in their diet, just due to the effect of aging. But some signs that may indicate that your metabolism is already slow are weight gain, hair loss, weak nails and oily and blemished skin.

So we indicate here 3 essential cares that you need to adopt to give that accelerated metabolism, making your body spend more energy even when stopped. The 3 errors are:

1. Eat little

Often times for weight loss the calories ingested are reduced for a long time, but with that the body goes into an "emergency state" and saves calories, making the weight loss process slower, not to mention that less important nutrients also leave the skin. ugly and weak hair, skin and nails. In addition, the fecal volume also decreases a lot and the intestine tends to slow down its movements, worsening constipation.

See how a healthy diet should be made to lose weight quickly without decreasing metabolism.

2. Sleep little

Sleeping less hours than you need not only slows metabolism in the long run, but it also increases appetite, making it harder to resist the temptation of a more appetizing dessert or simply stick to your diet.

It is natural that irritation and discouragement take control of the situation when you are very tired, so learn how to schedule a good night's sleep by clicking here.

3. Watch a lot of TV

It is not really a television, computer or cell phone, but time spent sitting or lying down doing nothing else. This habit greatly reduces your energy expenditure and this over time makes your body adjust to it, and the desire to practice an activity in that period decreases more and more and then laziness settles.

A good technique to counteract this, in addition to limiting the time you watch television, is to get up off the couch at every interval or every 20 minutes, or to carry in front of the television a manual work that can be done such as folding clothes or plastic bags messy.

Your metabolism involves all the functions your body needs to do to keep all organs functioning from the heart to the brain. This includes the use of fats as an energy source and its economy makes localized fat increase and also slows down the speed of weight loss and the increase in muscle mass.

Check out the following video for 3 good reasons to lose weight and keep everything on top:

3 Thing that decrease metabolism