Home Symptoms Hangover



The hangover happens when after exaggerated consumption of alcohol, the person wakes up the next day with a lot of headache, eye pain and nausea, for example. These symptoms happen due to dehydration caused by alcohol in the body and the excessive work of the liver to eliminate alcohol from the blood.

Alcohol is a diuretic and that is why people drink a lot of pee, quickly becoming dehydrated, increasing the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Thus, it is important to drink 1 glass of water for each glass of alcohol to avoid the symptoms of a hangover.

How to identify the hangover

A hangover can happen to anyone, just having consumed more alcohol than your liver is able to metabolize. Some of the main symptoms of a hangover are:

  • Severe headache; Eye pain and sensitivity to sound and light; Nausea and vomiting; General malaise; Body aches; Stomach pain; Dry mouth and a lot of thirst; Lack of appetite; Do not remember what happened in last night.

These symptoms usually appear the next day, after sleeping, but they may appear earlier, between 4 to 6 hours after you stop drinking. The intensity of the symptoms varies according to the amount of alcohol the person consumed and therefore, if the person does not remember anything from the night before, it means that he consumed a large amount of alcohol and is in a state called Alcoholic Blackout, which is the temporary loss of memory.

How to prevent a hangover

To avoid a hangover, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water for each glass of drink to ensure hydration, do not drink on an empty stomach and, preferably, always drink the same drink, avoiding mixing beer, wine, vodka and caipirinha, for example.

In addition, to avoid a hangover it may be interesting to take activated charcoal before drinking alcohol, as this makes it harder for the body to absorb alcohol.

By adopting these tips, it is possible to prevent the person from getting drunk quickly, in addition to making him drink less, maintain hydration and giving the body more time to metabolize alcohol, thus helping to prevent a hangover. However, these tips should not be used to be able to drink more, since excessive alcohol consumption can lead to more serious health problems such as alcoholic coma and liver cirrhosis, for example.

How to cure a hangover faster

To cure a hangover faster, it is essential to drink enough water to hydrate yourself, but it is also recommended:

  • Drink fruit juices or sweet drinks like teas or coffee with sugar or honey; Drink pure and very strong coffee; Take homemade serum to rehydrate faster. Sleep a little more than usual, as it helps the body and brain to recover better; Take hangover remedies like Epocler, Engov or Alka-Seltzer, which help to cure a hangover faster. See other examples of Remedies to fight hangover; Eat light, healthy, fat-free foods such as cooked fruits, vegetable cream, white rice or mashed potatoes for example; Eating foods rich in vitamin C and diuretics such as strawberries, oranges, or pineapples for example, which strengthen the immune system and help the body eliminate toxins and recover from poisoning.

Another option is ginger tea, as this is a medicinal plant with diuretic, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties for the body, which should be drunk in these situations, 3 to 4 times a day. Check out other tips to cure your hangover faster.

Check out in the video below what else you can do to cure your hangover:
