Home Symptoms Signs of dehydration in children

Signs of dehydration in children


Dehydration in children usually occurs due to episodes of diarrhea, vomiting due to excessive heat or fever, for example, resulting in water loss by the organisms. Dehydration can also happen due to decreased fluid intake because of some viral disease that affects the mouth and, rarely, excess sweating or urine can also cause dehydration.

Babies and children can become dehydrated much more easily than adolescents and adults, as they lose body fluids more quickly. The main symptoms of dehydration in children are:

  • Sinking of the baby's soft spot; Deep eyes; Decreased urinary frequency; Dry skin, mouth or tongue; Cracked lips; Crying without tears; Diapers that have been dry for more than 6 hours or with yellow urine and with a strong smell; Child very thirsty; Behavior unusual, irritability or apathy; drowsiness, excessive tiredness or altered levels of consciousness.

If any of these signs of dehydration in the baby or child are present, the pediatrician may request blood and urine tests to confirm dehydration.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of dehydration in children can be done at home, and it is recommended that hydration begins with breast milk, water, coconut water, soup, water-rich foods or juices to prevent the situation from getting worse. In addition, Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) can be used, which can be found in pharmacies, for example, and which should be taken by the baby throughout the day. Get to know some water-rich foods.

If dehydration is caused by vomiting or diarrhea, the doctor may also indicate the intake of some antiemetic, antidiarrheal and probiotic medication, if necessary. In more severe cases, the pediatrician may request the child's hospitalization so that serum is administered directly into the vein.

Amount of Oral Rehydration Salts needed

The amount of Oral Rehydration Salts needed for the child varies according to the severity of dehydration, being indicated:

  • Light dehydration: 40-50 mL / kg of salts; Moderate dehydration: 60-90 mL / kg every 4 hours; Severe dehydration: 100-110 mL / kg directly into the vein.

Regardless of the severity of dehydration, it is recommended that feeding be started as soon as possible.

What to do to rehydrate your child

To relieve the symptoms of dehydration in the baby and child and thus promote a sense of well-being, it is recommended to follow the following tips:

  • When there is diarrhea, it is recommended to give Oral Rehydration Serum according to the doctor's recommendation. If the child has diarrhea but is not dehydrated, to prevent this from occurring it is recommended that children under 2 years of age be offered 1/4 to 1/2 cup of serum, while for children over 2 years of age it is recommended 1 cup of serum is indicated for each bowel movement. When vomiting occurs, rehydration should be started with 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of serum every 10 minutes, in the case of infants, and in older children, 5 to 10 mL each 2 to 5 minutes. Every 15 minutes, the amount of serum offered should be increased slightly so that the child can stay hydrated. It is recommended to offer the baby and the child water, coconut water, breast milk or infant formula to satisfy thirst.

Feeding should start 4 hours after oral rehydration, with easy digestible foods recommended to improve intestinal transit.

In the case of babies who feed exclusively on breast milk, it is important that this type of feeding be continued even when the baby has symptoms of dehydration. In the case of babies who consume infant formulas, it is recommended that half dilution be given during the first two doses and, preferably, together with oral rehydration serum.

Learn how to prepare homemade serum at home by watching the following video:

When to take the child to the pediatrician

The child should be taken to the pediatrician or emergency room when he has a fever or when the symptoms are still present the next day. In these cases, the pediatrician should indicate the appropriate treatment, which can be done with only homemade serum or rehydration salts at home or serum through the vein in the hospital, depending on the child's degree of dehydration.

Signs of dehydration in children