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Celiac disease: what it is and how it is treated


Celiac disease is permanent intolerance to gluten in food. This is because the body does not produce or produces little enzyme capable of breaking down gluten, which causes an immune system reaction that results in damage to the intestine.

Celiac disease can manifest itself in babies as soon as they start to vary their diet, at 6 months, or during adulthood, being characterized by diarrhea, irritability, tiredness, unjustified weight loss or anemia without an apparent cause.

There is no specific treatment for celiac disease, however, symptoms related to the disease can be controlled by eliminating any food or product that contains gluten or traces. Gluten can also be present in small amounts in toothpaste, moisturizers or lipstick, and people who have cutaneous manifestations when consuming gluten, such as itching or dermatitis, should also avoid these products. Thus, it is always recommended to carefully read the labels and packaging to make sure the presence of gluten in the products. Know where gluten can be found.

Symptoms of celiac disease

Symptoms of celiac disease vary according to the person's degree of intolerance, and are usually:

  • Vomiting; Swollen belly; Thinness; Lack of appetite; Frequent diarrhea; Irritability or apathy; Large and bulky evacuation of pale and very smelly stools.

When the person has the mildest form of the disease, the symptoms of gluten intolerance manifest through the following symptoms:

  • Arthritis; Dyspepsia, which is the difficulty of digestion; Osteoporosis; Fragile bones; Shortness; Constipation; Irregular or absent menstruation; Tingling sensation in the arms and legs; Tongue lesions or fissures in the corners of the mouth; Elevation of liver enzymes without apparent cause; Swelling that appears abruptly after infection or surgery; Iron deficiency anemia or due to folate and vitamin B 12 deficiency; Bleeding gums when brushing teeth or flossing.

In addition, low concentrations of proteins, potassium and sodium in the blood can be noted, in addition to impairment of the nervous system, leading to epilepsy, depression, autism and schizophrenia. Learn more about gluten intolerance.

The symptoms of celiac disease disappear completely with the elimination of gluten from the diet. And to determine the diagnosis, the best doctors are the immunoallergologist, and the gastroenterologist. See what are the 7 main symptoms of gluten intolerance.

Diagnosis of celiac disease

The diagnosis of celiac disease is made by the gastroenterologist through the assessment of symptoms presented by the person and the family history, since celiac disease has mainly genetic causes.

In addition to the clinical evaluation, the doctor may request to carry out some tests, such as blood, urine, feces and biopsy of the small intestine through an upper digestive endoscopy. To confirm the disease, the doctor may also request a second biopsy of the small intestine after the exclusion of gluten from the diet for 2 to 6 weeks. It is through biopsy that the doctor is able to assess the integrity of the intestine and check for any signs that indicate gluten intolerance.

Treatment for celiac disease

Celiac disease has no cure, and treatment should be carried out throughout life. The treatment for celiac disease is done solely and exclusively with the suspension of the use of products containing gluten and with a gluten-free diet, which must be indicated by a specialist nutritionist. See which foods contain gluten.

The diagnosis of celiac disease in adults is made when there is already a nutritional deficiency, thus, the doctor may indicate that supplementation of nutrients that may be lacking in the body due to the common malabsorption in celiac disease is made, in order to prevent other diseases. like osteoporosis or anemia.

See how the celiac disease diet is made:

Celiac disease: what it is and how it is treated