- Test to see if you have worms
- Symptoms of worms in the baby
- Worm treatment
- What are the most used remedies
Symptoms of intestinal worms arise due to the ingestion of eggs and cysts of these microorganisms that are present in the soil, raw meats or dirty surfaces, and that develop in the intestine, causing symptoms such as swollen belly, abdominal pain or itching in the anus, for example.
The presence of worms is more common in children, because they generally have greater contact with the ground and dirt and often put their hands to their mouths, in addition to the immune system still being in the development stage.
Test to see if you have worms
To find out if you may have worms in your gut, select your symptoms:
- 1. Constant abdominal pain Yes No
- 2. Swollen belly or excess gas Yes No
- 3. Frequent tiredness for no apparent reason Yes No
- 4. Itching in the anus Yes No
- 5. Diarrhea periods, interspersed with constipation Yes No
- 6. Presence of small white dots in the stool Yes No
- 7. Weight loss for no apparent reason Yes No
- 8. Changes in appetite, very or little hunger Yes No
- 9. Very dark stools Yes No
Although intestinal symptoms are more common, it is possible for the worm to develop in other places outside the intestine, such as in the stomach, lungs or brain, for example, resulting in the appearance of other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, cough, fever, difficulty breathing and neurological changes. There are still cases where the presence and worms in the intestine cause swelling of the belly, which can cause slight discomfort in the region around the navel.
Find out how to confirm you have worms, homemade solutions and worm remedies in this video:
Symptoms of worms in the baby
Symptoms of worms in the baby and children can be:
- Vomiting, diarrhea or cramps; Lack of desire to play; Swollen belly, which does not disappear after abdominal massage; Itching in the anus, especially at night, making it difficult to sleep; Presence of worms in the diaper, anus or baby feces; Yellowish skin; Retardation in growth.
The symptoms of worms in childhood arise mainly in babies over 6 months of age, as they have greater contact with the ground and dirt, in addition to the fact that the immune system is less developed. In these cases, it is important to consult the pediatrician to start the appropriate treatment.
Worm treatment
The best treatment for worms is with medications, but it is also important during and after treatment to wash your hands thoroughly to prevent transmission of the worms' eggs to others, especially after defecating or before cooking, for example.
It is also important that hygiene and prevention measures are adopted to prevent transmission to others. Thus, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly after going to the bathroom and before preparing food, avoiding the consumption of water and potentially contaminated food, keeping your nails trimmed and cooking the meat well. Learn more about the treatment for worms.
What are the most used remedies
The most used remedies for the treatment of intestinal worms are Albendazole and Mebendazole, but one should consult the general practitioner before using either medicine, since there are several types of worms, and the use of other anti-parasites, such as Secnidazole, Tinidazole and Metronidazole, for example.
These remedies can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a single-dose tablet or syrup for adults and children over 2 years old, but their use varies according to the type of worm and a consultation with the doctor is necessary before taking it.