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Know 5 dangerous substances you may be using


Nail polish, sunscreen, foundation or concealer are examples of some everyday products that contain toxic agents for the body, which many people are unaware of.

These products may contain several toxic products for the body, such as Toluene, Oxybenzone, Parabens or Sulfates, which should be avoided by consulting the label of the products purchased.

5 Products with Harmful Chemical Substances

Thus, some products used in daily life that contain substances hazardous to health include:

1. Nail polish

They often contain Toluene in their composition, an aromatic hydrocarbon, without coloring and pleasant odor, which is irritating to the skin, eyes and throat. This compound can also be known as methylbenzene, and is widely used in paints, varnishes and resins or some cosmetic products, due to its solvent effect.

To avoid exposure to this agent, you should avoid purchasing products in its composition by consulting the product label. On the labels the product can be mentioned under different names, as it can be known as Toluene, Methylbenzene or as Toluene or Methylbenzene, if the label is written in English.

2. Sunscreen

Most of them contain oxybenzone in their composition, a pharmaceutical drug capable of absorbing UVB and UVA radiation, thus reducing the penetration of radiation into the skin, which reduces the risk of DNA damage. This drug can also be found in other cosmetic products with protection against sunlight, and it can also be known as 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone. Although it is very effective in protecting the skin, it can be responsible for causing irritations, dermatitis and hives on the skin, especially in more sensitive people or with a history of allergies, as it ends up penetrating the skin.

To avoid exposure to this drug, you should avoid purchasing protection or cosmetic products with this agent in its composition, looking for the following names on the labels: oxybenzone, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone or as oxybenzone.

3. Basis and Corrective

They may contain Parabens in their composition, substances that can trigger irritations or allergy reactions, in addition to interfering with the production of the hormone estrogen, as they are absorbed by the skin.

Parabens can also be used in lipsticks, body lotions or shaving products, acting as preservatives, and can also be added as additives in foods. To avoid using products containing parabens, it is important to consult the packaging labels, looking for the terms Parabens or Congratulations, or the most common types that include Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben and Butylparaben.

4. Shampoos

They may contain Sulfates or sodium Lauryl sulfate in their composition, degreasing compounds responsible for producing foam, due to their surfactant properties. In addition, this compound is also used in skin cleansing products, makeup removers or bath salts, due to its ability to remove oil from the skin, as it is a powerful degreaser. These compounds can be irritating to the skin and eyes, and can cause redness, itching or swelling in these regions. In addition, when used in shampoos they can also remove the natural protection of the hair, drying out and causing it to break.

To avoid exposure to this compound, you should avoid purchasing Shampoos or skin cleansing products without sulfates, looking for the following names on the labels: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl ether sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl ether sulfate.

5. Hair dye

May contain lead in its composition, a heavy metal that in large quantities is harmful to animals and humans, and is also harmful to the environment. This metal is not only used in hair dyes but also in other cosmetic or beauty products such as lipsticks, being accumulated in the body over time. Its accumulation can cause several problems such as nausea, vomiting, malaise, drowsiness, headache, irritability and muscle weakness, for example.

In hair dyes, lead can be found under the name lead acetate, and to avoid exposure to this heavy metal you should always consult the label of the hair dye you are going to use.

Know 5 dangerous substances you may be using