Home Symptoms Aloe juice: what it is for and how to make it

Aloe juice: what it is for and how to make it


Aloe vera juice is prepared from the leaves of the Aloe vera plant, being an excellent source of nutrients that provide several health benefits, such as moisturizing the skin, hair and improving the functioning of the intestine.

However, the consumption of this juice should be done with caution, because aloe vera has anthraquinones, which are toxic compounds with a laxative effect and that can cause irritation in the intestine. This substance is found in the leaves and in the yellow layer just below the leaves, which must be removed before preparing the juice.

This juice can also be purchased at health food stores or supermarkets, which is a better option compared to juice prepared at home, because the leaves undergo a process of discoloration and purification, which eliminate toxic substances, making it safer for consumption.

What is it for

Aloe vera is rich in vitamin A, C, E, folic acid, calcium, chromium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and choline, as well as being rich in antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. Therefore, the health benefits of this juice are:

  • Relieves constipation, because it increases the amount of liquid in the intestine, stimulating bowel movements; Keeps the body hydrated, preventing dehydration; It improves the quality of the skin and hair, because in addition to being hydrating, it contains bioactive substances, such as antioxidants and vitamins, which reduce cellular damage and exert an anti-aging effect, improving skin problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis; It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which can improve diseases such as arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis; Improves digestion because it stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and neutralizes stomach acids; Helps accelerate wound healing, especially sunburn; It helps to improve the immune system, because it contains vitamin C and exerts an antiviral action, stimulating the activity of cells of the immune system; It assists in the treatment of herpes simplex, herpes zoster and candidiasis, as it has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic effects.

It also contributes to blood sugar regulation and weight loss, because in addition to containing fiber, it also contains enzymes that help to break down sugars and fats.

Is it safe to drink the juice prepared at home?

Some studies indicate that it is not safe to ingest the aloe juice prepared at home without due care to remove the peel and the yellow part that contains anthraquinones, because this substance is related to the appearance of adenomas and colon cancer. However, these studies are not conclusive, and further studies are needed to prove these data.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

Excessive aloe juice consumption can cause gastrointestinal disorders such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Its prolonged use may cause constipation because the intestine may be dependent on the laxative action of this juice. In addition, it can cause kidney irritation.

This juice is contraindicated in pregnant women, the elderly, and people who use medicines to control blood pressure and to treat heart problems.

Aloe juice: what it is for and how to make it