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3 Tips for living with chronic disease


The disease that has no cure, also known as chronic disease, can appear unexpectedly, having in most cases a negative and overwhelming impact on a person's life.

It is not easy to live with the need to take medication every day or with the need to need help to perform daily tasks, but to live better with the disease there are certain physical and mental attitudes that can be of great help. So, some tips that can help you live better with the disease can be:

1. Face the problem and know the disease

Getting used to the disease and facing the problem can be the first step in learning to live with the disease. We often tend to ignore the disease and its consequences, however it just postpones the inevitable and ends up causing more stress and suffering in the long run.

Therefore, being alert about what is happening, investigating the disease thoroughly and looking for what treatment options are available can make all the difference, helping to face the problem. In addition, another option is to contact other people who also have the disease, as their testimonies can be enlightening, comforting and helpful.

The collection of information about the disease, whether through books, the Internet or even from specialists, is an important part of the acceptance process, as it helps to understand, understand and accept the disease. Remember and accept that your life has changed, but it is not over.

2. Find balance and well-being

Finding balance is essential after accepting the disease, because although the disease can compromise your lifestyle and physical abilities, you must remember that your mental and emotional abilities have not been affected. For example, you may not be able to move an arm, but you are still able to think, organize, listen, worry, smile and be friends.

In addition, it is also necessary to integrate in a balanced way all changes in your lifestyle that the disease can bring, such as medication, daily care or physical therapy, for example. Although illness can change most circumstances in life, it should not control your life, thoughts and emotions. Only in this way and with this thought, will you be able to find the right balance, which will help to live in a healthy way with the disease.

3. Regain control of your life

After facing the problem and finding balance in your life, it is time to regain control. Start by discovering what you can no longer do, and make decisions: whether you can and should do it or whether you want to continue doing it, even if it means doing it differently. For example, if you stopped moving one arm and can no longer tie the laces, you can choose to stop wearing sneakers or shoes with laces, you can choose to ask for help from someone who does it in your place, or you can choose to learn how to tie the laces with only one hand. Therefore, you should always set (reasonable) goals, which you think you can achieve, even if it takes some time and requires some dedication. This will give a sense of accomplishment and help restore self-confidence.

Thus, it is essential not to live only with the disease, but to bet on activities that you can perform and that give you pleasure, such as listening to music, reading a book, taking a relaxing bath, writing letters or poetry, painting, playing a musical instrument, talk to a good friend, among others. These activities help both the body and the mind, as they promote moments of relaxation and pleasure, which help to live better and reduce stress. In addition, remember that friends and family are always good listeners, with whom you can talk about your problems, fears, expectations and insecurities, but remember that visits are not just to talk about the disease, so it is important to draw a time limit for talking about it.

Learning how to live with the disease is a delicate and time-consuming process that requires a lot of effort and dedication. However, the important thing is to never lose hope and believe that with the passage of time, the improvements will be visible and that tomorrow will no longer be as difficult as today.

3 Tips for living with chronic disease