Vegetable coloring is an excellent option to dye your hair 100% naturally and can even be used during pregnancy because it does not contain chemicals that can harm the baby. The product was made in partnership with a cosmetologist with French laboratories and is different from henna, better known in Brazil.
This type of natural paint is made with 10 Indian plants and herbs that give 10 different shades, ranging from blond to black. However, it is not possible to bleach the hair, going from black to blonde with this product because it is more recommended for those who just want to cover the white strands or highlight their natural color.
Benefits of using 100% vegetable ink
The main benefits of using vegetable hair coloring are:
- Return the natural color of the hair, covering the white hair; Slightly change the tone of the hair; Give more shine to the hair; Maintain the hydration of the strands, different from a common color; Can be used by pregnant women and by those who have hair chemistry; Can be used by allergic people.
Furthermore, it does not pollute the environment because the waste is natural and therefore protects the water table and the soil, making it a more environmentally friendly option.
How to dye your hair with vegetable dye
Vegetable dye can only be applied in the hair salon because it is necessary to heat the hair to the ideal temperature to guarantee the result.
To apply the vegetable color just mix the powdered product with warm water until it is like a porridge, and apply stir by stir, just like a normal color.
The application time should not exceed 30 minutes and then it is necessary to put on a thermal cap and let it rest for 40 minutes. Then you should wash your hair using only warm water and apply a little conditioner to hydrate the strands.
After dyeing it is recommended to wash your hair only after 48 hours because oxygen helps to open the color more, leaving the hair a little lighter and shiny.
Where to find
Vegetable coloring is available in some hairdressing salons in major cities. The price of the treatment is approximately 350 reais.