Yacon potato juice is good for diabetes because the food has fructooligosaccharides and inulin, substances that are not digested by the digestive tract, having the same effect as fibers. Therefore, they can be consumed by patients with diabetes to help control blood glucose.
In addition, this juice is also ideal for those trying to lose weight because this potato helps to increase satiety and contains few calories, being perfect for those trying to eat less and lose weight.
https://static.tuasaude.com/media/article/6y/pe/suco-de-batata-yacon-para-diabetes_16416_l.jpg ">
- 1 glass of mineral water or coconut 5 to 6 cm of sliced raw yacon potato
Method of preparation
Beat the ingredients in a blender, strain and drink next.
This yacon potato juice can be consumed daily, but the endocrinologist or diabetologist must be aware that you are taking this natural remedy. That's because food can influence blood glucose and the effectiveness of some diabetes drugs.
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