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Types of natural drugs and their effects on the body


Natural drugs are substances derived from plants that alter the person's perception of the world around them, causing different sensations, altering their behavior and mood. Despite being derived from plants, natural drugs can also cause addiction and dependence, psychic or physical, and that is why they are prohibited in Brazil.

What are natural drugs

Some examples of natural drugs are hallucinogenic mushrooms, trumpet and iboga tea, opium and marijuana. Its effects are described in the following table:

Damn it Effects
Marijuana Changes the perception of sounds, images, notion of space and time, panic attacks, delusions and hallucinations
Opium Reduces brain function and leaves the person more relaxed
Hallucinogens mushrooms Feelings of euphoria and sensory distortions such as halos of light and bright colors, dizziness, drowsiness, muscle weakness, yawning
Trumpet Tea Lethargy, loss of contact with reality, delirium, amnesia, disorientation, hallucinations
Iboga tea Causes great hallucinations, being used in spiritual rituals in some African countries
Ayahuasca Causes changes in consciousness such as visions, excessive anxiety, fears and paranoia

Nicotine and caffeine are also examples of natural substances that cause changes in the body, but that are not considered illegal.

  • Check out the effects of depressing, stimulating and disturbing drugs.


Marijuana leaf

How drugs work in the body

When consuming a drug, be it natural or synthetic, its effects are quickly perceived with sensory changes, which can last from 10 minutes to about half an hour. During this period the person has different sensations that can promote curiosity and a sense of well-being.

During the period when you are under the influence of drugs, the person may have a fast heartbeat, get red and irritated eyes, or have more strength or be more relaxed, and this depends on the type of drug used. However, shortly afterwards there is a decrease in the feeling of well-being and the person begins to need to use more drugs to seek the same feeling of pleasure and comfort.

How to recognize that the person uses drugs

Many people speak openly that they use natural drugs, because they think they are not harmful to their health, so they defend their use when they are in a peaceful environment surrounded by friends. However, some physical signs and certain behaviors can evidence the use of drugs such as:

  • Frequent delays; Dilated pupils; Red eyes; Difficulty concentrating; Persecution mania; Hand tremors; Weight loss; Altered speech.

Having one or two of these symptoms sporadically does not indicate that the person is using drugs, but when these signs and symptoms become more frequent and are observed at certain times of the year, such as at parties or celebrations, they may point to the use of this type of illicit substance.

How to recognize drug addiction

Drugs can be used sporadically, regularly or intensely, and to recognize that the person is addicted to drugs, the following characteristics must be observed:

  • Need to use the substance at that exact moment, doing everything possible to find and use the substance again; Difficulty or impossibility to stop using drugs; To be in a state of withdrawal presenting: cold sweat, nausea, retching, racing heart, insomnia, shaking, hallucinations, malaise and weakness; Abandonment of work, school, and chores to only consume or seek drugs; Persist in the use of drugs, not being interested in the harmful effects that drugs can cause.

When these signs and symptoms are present, treatment against chemical dependence must be initiated, which can be done privately or in SUS, with full or semi-integral hospitalization, depending on the type of drugs the person used and their state of health. general health. Find out how treatment can be done to stop using drugs.

Types of natural drugs and their effects on the body