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How foam sclerotherapy is done


Dense foam sclerotherapy is a type of treatment that completely eliminates varicose veins and small spider veins. The technique consists of applying a sclerosing substance called Polidocanol, in the form of foam, directly on the varicose veins, until they disappear.

Foam sclerotherapy is effective on microvarices and varicose veins up to 2 mm, eliminating them completely. In larger varicose veins, this treatment may not give the best result, but it is able to decrease its size, requiring more than 1 application in the same varicose vein.

It is important that this procedure be performed after the indication of the vascular surgeon to avoid the occurrence of complications.

Price of foam sclerotherapy

The price of each foam sclerotherapy session varies between R $ 200 and R $ 300.00 and depends on the region to be treated and the number of varicose veins. The number of sessions also varies according to the number of varicose veins that the person wants to treat, and it is usually recommended to hold 3 to 4 sessions.

Since 2018, the Unified Health System (SUS) has made free treatment of varicose veins with foam sclerotherapy available, however so far the treatment has been directed to people who are at higher risk for complications related to varicose veins, especially those in which there is the involvement of the saphenous vein, which runs from the ankle to the groin.

How the treatment is done

This treatment is relatively simple and performed in the doctor's office without the need for hospitalization or anesthesia. Despite being a simple procedure and without many complications, it is important that foam sclerotherapy is performed by a specialist doctor, preferably by the Angiologist.

The treatment consists of the location of the vein by means of ultrasound and injection of the medication in the form of foam, which causes the vein to be closed and the blood redirected, improving blood circulation.

This therapy causes some pain and discomfort, not only because of the needle stick, but because the medicine enters the vein, but most people tolerate this pain well.

After treatment with the application of foam, it is recommended that the person wear elastic compression stockings, type Kendall, to improve venous return and decrease the chances of new varicose veins. It is also indicated that the person does not expose themselves to the sun to prevent the region from becoming stained. If it is really necessary, a sunscreen should be used throughout the treated area.

Is this treatment definitive?

The elimination of varicose veins and small spider veins with foam sclerotherapy is practically definitive because the treated vessel will not present varicose veins, however, other varicose veins may appear because it also has a hereditary characteristic.

Risks of foam sclerotherapy

Foam sclerotherapy is a safe procedure and has low risks, being only possible to notice small local changes related to the application of the foam, such as burning, swelling or redness of the region that pass within a few hours, for example.

Although it does not offer risks, in some rare cases sclerotherapy can result in some consequences, such as deep vein thrombosis and embolism, which can cause clots to move through the body and reach the lung, for example. In addition, there may be a severe allergic reaction, formation of wounds that are difficult to heal or hyperpigmentation of the region.

Therefore, it is important that the vascular surgeon is consulted before sclerotherapy is performed so that the risks of performing this procedure are assessed.

How foam sclerotherapy is done