Home Symptoms Treatment for oxyurus in pregnancy

Treatment for oxyurus in pregnancy


Infestation by oxyurus or any other worm in pregnancy does not harm the baby, because the baby is protected inside the uterus, but despite this, the woman may have worms in the anus and vagina and this may be the cause of recurrent infections and should be treated as soon as possible with the use of a dewormer indicated by your obstetrician.

According to the information contained in the package insert of the medicines indicated against infestation by vermicular enterobius, the only medication that can be used during pregnancy is Pyr-pam (Pyrvinium pamoate), because both Albendazole, Tiabendazole and Mebendazole are contraindicated. during pregnancy.

However, depending on the trimester of pregnancy, ease of finding the medication and the general health situation of the pregnant women, the doctor may prescribe another medication, assessing its risk / benefit, since in some cases the benefits may outweigh the risks.

Home remedy against oxyurus during pregnancy

As many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy, only garlic water and garlic capsules can be used to combat oxyurus infestation at this stage. The woman can ingest 1 capsule a day or drink the garlic water, after leaving 3 peeled garlic cloves soaked overnight in 1 glass of water.

However, this home remedy does not exclude the remedies indicated by the obstetrician, it is only a natural way to complement the treatment against this worm.

Preventing oxyurus infection is very important at this stage, especially for those who work with children in schools and kindergartens. You should wash your hands thoroughly before eating, before and after going to the bathroom, never put your hand or fingers in your mouth, be careful to wash food that is eaten with the skin very well, just take mineral water, boiled or filtered and wash your hands before preparing food. Having your nails well trimmed also reduces the risk of infection with oxyurus.

Treatment for oxyurus in pregnancy