Home Home-Remedies 5 Home remedies for tuberculosis

5 Home remedies for tuberculosis


Home remedies are a good way to complete the treatment indicated by the pulmonologist as they help to relieve symptoms, improving comfort and, sometimes, speeding recovery.

However, it is important to remember that home remedies should not replace any indication given by the pulmonologist and that, whenever possible, they should be used with the knowledge of the doctor.

In addition, as the use of plants can have several side effects during pregnancy or in minors, these remedies should not be used on pregnant women or children without guidance from a doctor or herbalist.

Check the medicines and other treatments that may be indicated by the pulmonologist.

1. For cough with phlegm

Cough with phlegm can easily be relieved at home. For this, the most important step is to keep the body well hydrated so that the respiratory secretions are more fluid and are eliminated more easily.

To do this, the first step should be to increase the amount of water ingested during the day, to about 2 liters. In addition, it is also recommended to perform some nebulizations, which can be done by breathing in the smoke from the bath or by breathing in the vapors released by a pot of boiling water. In this boiling water, plants with expectorant properties such as eucalyptus or alteia, for example, can be added. Check out other options for homemade nebulizations.

In some cases, some teas can also be used to try to control coughs and eliminate excess secretions, such as Basil or Ginger, for example.

  • How to make tea: put 1 tablespoon of basil or 1 cm of ginger root in a cup of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 2 to 3 times a day.

Check out other natural ways to eliminate cough and phlegm:

2. For high fever

As for high fever, one of the best natural options is white willow tea, as this plant contains a substance similar to aspirin, which in addition to reducing body temperature in case of fever, also relieves the feeling of pain in the body.

Another option for making tea is to use Tanaceto or Matricária, which is a plant widely used in countries like England or France to treat fever, and is even known as Feverfew , which means "little fever".

  • How to make the tea: put 2 tablespoons of dry white willow leaves or the aerial parts of Matricária in a cup of boiling water and let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and drink. This tea can be taken at intervals of 3 to 4 hours, for example.

See other home remedies that can help reduce fever.

3. For chest pain

Since tuberculosis causes a lot of coughing, chest pain is common, which usually arises from overexertion of the breathing muscles. Thus, a good homemade technique to relieve chest discomfort is to make a compress with arnica to apply to the painful area. This plant has analgesic properties that, in contact with the skin, reduce pain and relieve muscle fatigue.

  • How to make the compress: put 2 tablespoons of arnica leaves in a container and cover with 150 ml of boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and use a gauze pad to wet this tea and use it warm several times a day on the sore area.

4. For tiredness and lack of energy

Ginseng is an incredible medicinal plant to increase the body's capacity in cases of tiredness or indisposition, so its tea can be used throughout the treatment of tuberculosis, fighting the symptoms of tiredness of the disease but also the continuous use of antibiotics.

  • How to make tea: put 1 tablespoon of ginseng root in 150 ml of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Strain and then take 3 times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. Another option is to use ginseng in capsules, under the guidance of a herbalist.

5. To strengthen the immune system

As for helping to fight the tuberculosis bacillus, it may be interesting to take echinacea or astragalus tea to improve the body's defenses and facilitate the cure of tuberculosis.

  • How to make tea: put 1 tablespoon of one of the plants mentioned in 500 ml of boiling water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Strain and take next, at least 2 times a day.

Check out other natural recipes to increase the body's defenses.

How to ensure faster recovery

Tuberculosis treatment can be time-consuming and last between 6 months to 2 years, but symptoms usually improve after the first month of taking the antibiotics indicated by the pulmonologist. Therefore, it is very important to continue taking antibiotics for the time indicated by the doctor to ensure the cure of the disease.

Usually, the doctor requests a new exam after 1 or 2 months of using the drugs to check if the Koch's bacillus that causes tuberculosis has already been eliminated from the body and the treatment only stops when it is eliminated.

5 Home remedies for tuberculosis