Home Symptoms What is it, symptoms and how to treat arthritis

What is it, symptoms and how to treat arthritis


Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that generates symptoms such as pain, deformity and difficulty in movement, which still has no cure. In general, its treatment is done with medications, physiotherapy and exercises, but in some cases, surgery may be used.

Osteoarthritis, as it is also called, can be caused by trauma, overweight, food, natural wear and tear of the joint or due to a change in the immune system of individuals with a genetic predisposition for it.

It can be of different types, such as rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis (gout) or reactive arthritis, depending on its cause. Therefore, for the diagnosis of arthritis it is necessary to do specific tests.

Arthritis and arthrosis are the same disease

The name Arthritis is more generic because it does not define its cause or pathophysiology, so the term arthritis now indicates the same as arthrosis.

This change in nomenclature happened because it was discovered that in any case of arthrosis there is always a small inflammation, which was the main feature of arthritis. However, when referring to rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or juvenile arthritis, the terms remain the same. But whenever it refers only to Arthritis, this is actually Arthrosis, although the most correct terms for these two diseases are Osteoarthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Arthritis symptoms

If you think you may have arthritis, check your symptoms and find out the risk of having the disease:

  1. 1. Constant joint pain, most common in the knee, elbow or fingers Yes No
  2. 2. Stiffness and difficulty in moving the joint, especially in the morning Yes No
  3. 3. Hot, red and swollen joint Yes No
  4. 4. Deformed joints Yes No
  5. 5. Pain when tightening or moving the joint Yes No

These symptoms can appear in people of any age, including children, and it is very common for more than one joint to be affected at the same time. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases in women, obese and in individuals over 40 years of age. However, some types are more common in men, such as gouty arthritis.

Is arthritis curable?

Arthritis has no cure yet and is therefore a chronic disease, but the individual can resort to different forms of treatment whenever it becomes painful and compromises their daily activities.

Living with a chronic disease on a daily basis is not easy, as this is a delicate and time-consuming process that requires a lot of effort and dedication. See some tips that can help in Learn to live with a disease that has no cure.

To bring relief from pain and improve the ability to move, a careful diet is recommended, where you drink plenty of water and avoid excessive consumption of foods rich in protein, in addition to using anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, prescribed by the rheumatologist, and physical therapy. Surgery for the placement of a joint prosthesis can, in many cases, represent the cure for arthritis in that joint, as occurs in septic arthritis, for example, but it is not always that it can be performed.

Tests to confirm if it is arthritis

For the diagnosis of Osteoarthritis, the orthopedic doctor may, in addition to observing the clinical signs of the disease, such as joint deformity and inflammatory characteristics, order an x-ray exam to check for local swelling and joint deformity. You may need tests such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, but listening to the patient's complaints is usually sufficient for the diagnosis.

In some cases, the laboratory tests that can be ordered by the rheumatologist, to find out what type of arthritis the person has, are:

  • Rheumatoid factor to know if it is rheumatoid arthritis; Puncture of the synovial fluid of the affected joint to know if it is septic arthritis; Eye evaluation by the ophthalmologist to know if it is juvenile arthritis.

Osteoarthritis does not lead to changes in the blood count, so there is a popular way of saying that arthritis is not a rheumatism in the blood.

The pain caused by arthritis can get worse when the weather changes or when it rains and this is a common condition. Although science still doesn't explain why this happens, there are 4 accepted theories. Find out what they are and how to relieve this pain here.

Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis treatment is basically aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and improving its function, because joint wear cannot be completely reversed. For this, medications and lifestyle changes can be used, where it is recommended to avoid physical efforts. The diet should also be rich in anti-inflammatories and low in processed foods, such as sausages and bacon. For more tips, see how eating can improve arthritis.

The main treatments for Osteoarthritis are:

  • Arthritis Remedies

They can be prescribed by the general practitioner or orthopedist Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, in addition to ointments containing ketoprofen, felbinaco and piroxicam, and other substances such as glucosamine sulfate or chloroquine. When these are not enough, a steroid injection can be used every 6 months or once a year.

To prevent the progression of the disease, drugs such as Infliximab, Rituximab, Azathioprine or Ciclosporin, for example, may be indicated.

  • Physiotherapy for arthritis

Physiotherapy can greatly help the patient with arthritis. Through physical therapy, inflammation may decrease and movements will be easier. Anti-inflammatory resources, analgesics and stretching and joint mobilization exercises may be used to preserve joint movements and prevent new deformities from settling.

Physiotherapy should be performed at least 3 times a week, until complete remission of arthritis symptoms. It is up to the physiotherapist to decide what resources to use to treat this disease. Find out more about this treatment at: Physiotherapy for arthritis.

The practice of exercises such as swimming, water aerobics and Pilates is also indicated, as they help to fight inflammation and help in strengthening muscles.

  • Arthritis Surgery

If the doctor finds that the joint is severely worn and there are no other inconveniences, he may suggest that surgery be done to place a prosthesis in the affected joint site. One of the joints that has the most surgical indication is the hip and then the knee. See more details on how treatment for arthritis should be.

  • Natural treatment for arthritis

A great natural treatment to complement the usual treatment of arthritis is to take teas and infusions of medicinal plants, such as ginger and saffron.

The consumption of cayenne pepper and oregano daily also acts as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, as well as massaging the affected areas with lavender or cat's claw essential oil.

See what natural painkillers you can take to relieve pain in arthritis:

Attention: natural treatment does not exclude drug and physiotherapeutic treatment of arthritis, it only contributes to a faster and more satisfactory result.

What can cause arthritis

Natural wear and tear on the joint is one of the most common causes of arthritis, but this disease can also be caused by overweight, overuse, age, direct or indirect trauma, genetic factor and due to fungi, bacteria or viruses, which settle through the bloodstream in the joint, generating the inflammatory process. If this process is not reversed in time, it can lead to complete destruction of the joint and consequent loss of function.

If you are in doubt about what is causing your arthritis, talk to your doctor or physical therapist.

Osteoarthritis usually appears from the age of 40, but younger people can also be affected. One type of arthritis that manifests itself in children is juvenile arthritis. However, its most common form, especially affects the elderly over 65 years of age.

What is it, symptoms and how to treat arthritis