Home Bulls Miriu or copper diu: price, advantages and how it works

Miriu or copper diu: price, advantages and how it works


The Intrauterine Device, popularly known as an IUD, is a contraceptive method made of flexible plastic molded in a T shape that is introduced into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It can only be placed and removed by the gynecologist, and although it can start using at any time during the menstrual cycle, it should be placed, preferably, in the first 12 days of the cycle.

The IUD is 99% or more effective and can remain in the uterus for 5 to 10 years, and must be removed up to one year after the last menstruation, at menopause. There are two main types of IUDs:

  • Copper IUD or Multiload IUD: it is made of plastic, but coated only with copper or with copper and silver; Hormonal IUD or Mirena IUD: contains a hormone, levonorgestrel, which is released into the uterus after insertion. Learn all about the Mirena IUD.

Since the copper IUD does not involve the use of hormones, it usually has fewer side effects on the rest of the body, such as changes in mood, weight or decreased libido and can be used at any age, without interfering with breastfeeding.

However, the hormonal IUD or Mirena also has several advantages, contributing to the reduction of the risk of endometrial cancer, reduction of menstruation flow and relief of menstrual cramps. Thus, this type is also widely used in women who do not need contraception, but who are undergoing treatment for endometriosis or fibroids, for example.

Advantages and disadvantages of the IUD

Benefits Disadvantages
It is a practical and long-lasting method Onset of anemia due to the longer and more abundant periods that the copper IUD can cause
There is no forgetting Risk of infection of the uterus
Does not interfere with intimate contact If a sexually transmitted infection occurs, it is more likely to develop into a more serious disease, pelvic inflammatory disease.
Fertility returns to normal after withdrawal Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy

Depending on the type, the IUD may have other advantages and disadvantages for each woman, and it is recommended to discuss this information with the gynecologist when choosing the best contraceptive method. Learn about other contraceptive methods and their advantages and disadvantages.

IUD price

The IUD can be purchased at any pharmacy and the price can reach up to 1000 reais. The price of your placement can be up to R $ 600, depending on the doctor.

How it works

The copper IUD works by preventing the egg from attaching to the uterus and decreasing the effectiveness of sperm through the action of copper, disrupting fertilization. This type of IUD provides protection for a period of approximately 10 years.

The hormonal IUD, by the action of the hormone, hinders ovulations and prevents the egg from attaching itself to the uterus, thickening the mucus in the cervix in order to form a kind of plug that prevents sperm from getting there, thus preventing fertilization.. This type of IUD provides protection for up to 5 years.

How it is placed

The procedure to insert the IUD is simple, lasts between 15 and 20 minutes and can be done in the gynecological office. The placement of the IUD can be done at any period of the menstrual cycle, however it is more recommended that it be placed during menstruation, which is when the uterus is most dilated.

For the placement of the IUD, the woman must be placed in a gynecological position, with her legs slightly apart, and the doctor inserts the IUD into the uterus. Once placed, the doctor leaves a small thread inside the vagina that serves as an indication that the IUD is placed correctly. This thread can be felt with the finger, however it is not felt during intimate contact.

As it is a procedure that is not performed under anesthesia, the woman may experience discomfort during the procedure.

Possible side effects

Some of the side effects of this contraceptive method include:

  • Pain or uterine contractions, more frequent in women who have never had children; Small hemorrhage soon after IUD insertion; Fainting; Vaginal discharge.

The copper IUD can also cause longer menstrual periods, with greater bleeding and more painful, only in some women, especially in the first months after the insertion of the IUD.

The hormonal IUD, in addition to these side effects, can also cause a reduction in menstrual flow or the absence of menstruation or small outflows of menstrual blood, called spotting , pimples, headaches, breast pain and tension, fluid retention, ovarian cysts and weight gain.

When to go to the doctor

It is important for the woman to be attentive and go to the doctor if she does not feel or see the IUD guidewires, symptoms such as fever or chills, swelling in the genital area or the woman experiencing severe abdominal cramps. In addition, it is recommended to go to the doctor if there is an increase in vaginal flow, bleeding outside the menstrual period or you experience pain or bleeding during intercourse.

If any of these signs appear, it is important to consult the gynecologist to assess the position of the IUD and take the necessary measures.

Miriu or copper diu: price, advantages and how it works