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How to lose weight if you are hungry all day


People who are always thinking about food all the time or with mouth watering whenever they watch a commercial or a video that has appetizing food, may have more difficulty losing weight.

To prevent this from happening, the person can make a food diary to observe everything he will eat during the day, always eat at the right time, avoid snacking during the day, put everything he will eat in that meal on a single plate and not repeat the meal, compare the amount of food on your plate with that of your friends and family and resist gluttony.

But if there are emotions behind food cravings, you can try exercising to combat stress, sadness and anxiety.

How to know if you have fat thoughts

To identify fat thoughts you need to be aware of desires and attitudes related to food and, if necessary, ask for help from friends and family. Some examples of these thoughts are:

  • Always thinking about food and what to eat next; Salivating whenever you watch a commercial or video on the internet that involves food; Eating even without any hunger, just because the food seems irresistible; Thinking that food never is enough and always have much more than necessary at the table at mealtime; have constant cravings for food and do everything possible to fulfill them; whenever you go out for a walk, think first about what you can eat at that place; choose the places to stroll because of the food that can be found there and not by the local attractions; eat and keep eating whenever you feel sad or anxious; think about the next snack or meal when you are not even finished with what you are eating; control when you go to a self-service or a carvery, eating as much as you can; overdoing it on the weekend just because the diet starts on Monday.

A good tip is to listen to criticism from family or friends, as they can usually identify small attitudes that reflect the thoughts of the fat mind.

In addition to adopting these strategies, it is important to know that making mistakes is normal and that eating sweets or a little fat from time to time is no excuse to completely leave the diet, eating sweets on the weekend is less harmful than going many days without eating none and then eat a lot of sweets or other fats for several days.

In addition, eating diet or light foods is not always a good option for those who want to lose weight, know why and make better choices.

How to lose weight if you are hungry all day