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10 allied diet foods that help you lose weight


Foods that help you lose weight are those that improve intestinal transit, fight fluid retention, speed up metabolism or help burn calories like watermelon, oats and eggplant, for example.

These foods should be consumed daily throughout the day, along with the practice of regular physical activity and a healthy diet low in sugar, sweets, fat, fried foods and processed foods. In addition, it is also important to practice physical activity daily, such as walking 3 times a week for about 1 hour.

1. Pear

The pear is rich in water and contains 71% insoluble fiber, ensuring a greater feeling of satiety and improving intestinal transit. In addition, the natural sugar of the fruit takes away the cravings for sweets and gradually increases the blood sugar, which helps to reduce hunger and avoid the consumption of sugary foods.

How to consume: To help you lose weight, it should be consumed about 20 minutes before main meals.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an aromatic condiment that can cause a thermogenic effect in the body, which can increase metabolism and increase the process of burning body fat.

In addition, cinnamon also helps to reduce blood sugar spikes, increase insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin resistance, which also favors weight loss. Other foods that have thermogenic properties are ginger, red pepper, coffee and hibiscus tea. Learn more about thermogenic foods.

How to consume: You can easily add cinnamon in various preparations, such as fruits, juices, smoothies, coffee, tea, cake and cookies, for example.

3. Eggplant

Eggplant, in addition to being a low-calorie fruit, since 100 grams have only 24 calories, is also rich in fiber, helping in the proper functioning of the intestine, in fighting bad cholesterol and poor digestion, producing a feeling of satiety.

In addition, it is rich in water, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories, helping to combat fluid retention and deflate the body.

How to consume: It is possible to prepare eggplant water and drink it throughout the day instead of water. It is also possible to add eggplant to salads and prepare it in the form of chips, for example. See some recipes for weight loss by eating eggplant.

4. Brown rice

Brown rice, unlike white rice, is rich in fiber, helping to increase satiety and making the amount of food eaten less. It is also rich in B vitamins, zinc and selenium, which are antioxidant nutrients that improve blood circulation, concentration and memory.

How to consume: It is important that the amount to be consumed is controlled, because despite being a whole food, when you eat in excess it starts to have the opposite effect. In case you want to know which is the appropriate portion, the ideal is to seek guidance from a nutritionist to carry out an assessment and indicate a nutritional plan adapted to the person's needs.

5. Oats

Oats are rich in soluble fibers and proteins, which give satiety and regulate the intestine. In addition, its consumption also helps to regulate blood glucose and control high cholesterol, making hunger take longer to arrive.

How to consume: Oats are quite versatile and can be consumed in the form of porridge or added to chopped fruits, vitamins, cakes and cookies.

6. Wheat bran

Wheat bran is very rich in fiber, having 12.5 grams of fiber for every 100 grams of food, and has few calories, and can be used to combat constipation, help control blood glucose and increase satiety.

How to consume: As it practically does not alter the taste of food, it can be added in all preparations to decrease the absorption of fat in the intestine. Learn how to use wheat bran.

7. Strawberry

Strawberries, in addition to being low in calories, are rich in fiber, helping to control blood sugar levels and increasing the feeling of satiety, decreasing the amounts of daily calories ingested and promoting weight loss. It is also rich in vitamin C, folate and other phenolic compounds that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

How to consume: This fruit can be consumed whole or in juices, and can even be used in the preparation of detox juices to improve metabolism. Check out some detox juice recipes.

8. Green tea

Green tea has thermogenic properties, speeding up metabolism and favoring fat burning. This is because it is rich in caffeine, a stimulant that helps burn fat during exercise. In addition, it is rich in catechins, which are potent antioxidants that help improve metabolism. See other benefits of green tea.

How to prepare: Green tea should be consumed under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist and to prepare it, add 1 tablespoon of the herb in 1 cup of boiling water, letting it stand for about 10 minutes.

9. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants and omega-3, a type of good fat that helps control cholesterol and reduces inflammation in the body, facilitating the weight loss process. In addition, it is rich in fibers that improve digestion and increase satiety. Learn more about the benefits of flaxseed.

How to consume: The ideal is to consume the crushed flaxseeds or in the form of flour, with the possibility of adding 1 or 2 tablespoons to cereals, salads, juices and yoghurts. It can also be added in the preparation of breads, pies and cakes.

10. Legumes

Legumes such as beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas are sources of protein and dietary fiber, which increase satiety and fight constipation.

How to consume: Consuming 4 tablespoons a day is enough to obtain its benefits, especially when it is consumed together with brown rice, as the combination forms a high quality protein.

Check out other tips from our nutritionist to fight hunger during the diet:

10 allied diet foods that help you lose weight