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Pumpkin seed: benefits and how to consume


Pumpkin seeds, popularly known as pumpkin moranga ( Cucurbita maximum ), have numerous health benefits helping in the functioning of the brain and heart, moreover it is particularly indicated to improve intestinal health and decrease inflammation of the body.

The main health benefits are:

  1. Helping to relax and increase well-being: by having magnesium and tryptophan which are substances that act at the brain level, helping to combat excessive stress and stimulate memory; Help to lose weight: because it is rich in fibers, which help to reduce the capture of fat; Contribute to the formation of muscle mass: because it is a good source of proteins; Protect body cells: due to the presence of antioxidants; Decrease inflammations: for being a good source of omega 3, which has anti-inflammatory action. Improve the health of the prostate and thyroid: because they are rich in zinc; Combats intestinal worms: because it has anthelmintic action, and can be used even on babies and children; Fight anemia: because it is a good source of iron; Combat menstrual colic and PMS: because it contains magnesium, which works by decreasing muscle contraction and, consequently, menstrual colic; Improve the heart and cardiovascular system: because it contains phytosterols, and in addition, have antihypertensive properties, that help lower high blood pressure.

How to prepare pumpkin seeds

To prepare the pumpkin seeds for consumption, remove them from the inside of the pumpkin and then let it dry in the sun, taking care to cover it with a fine net to avoid flies, but they can also be prepared in the oven without exceed 75 degrees, so as not to burn.

How to consume pumpkin seeds

Dried seeds - Properly dried pumpkin seeds can be used whole in salad or soup, for example, or as an appetizer, when a little salt and powdered ginger is sprinkled, as is common in Greece. However, you should not add too much salt, especially if you suffer from hypertension. Consuming about 10 to 15 grams of seeds every day for 1 week is good for eliminating intestinal worms.

Crushed seed - Yogurt or fruit juice can be added to cereals. To crush, just beat the dry seeds in a mixer, blender or food processor.

Pumpkin seed oil - Can be found in certain supermarkets, or ordered online. It should be used to season the salad or add to the soup when ready, because this oil loses its nutrients when heated, and therefore it should always be used cold. Take 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seed oil daily for 2 weeks to eliminate intestinal worms.

Pumpkin seed: benefits and how to consume