Home Bulls 4 Best Calf Exercises

4 Best Calf Exercises


Calf exercises are a very important part of leg training, as they allow the calf muscles to be worked on to ensure greater stability for the person, more strength and volume, while also promoting a more aesthetic contour for the leg.

The calf is formed by two main muscle groups:

  • Soleus, or soleus muscle: it is the muscle that is below, in the inner part of the calf, but it is the one that gives greater volume. This is the shortest calf muscle and is favored by sitting exercises; Gastrocnemius muscle: it is the most superficial muscle that is divided into two parts, which give the well-known calf shape. This is the longest calf muscle and is best worked when standing up.

To have good results in relation to the calf, it is necessary to do at least 2 exercises to work both types of muscle. Since the calf muscles are positioned differently and connect in different places, their development will depend on different exercises, which focus on each group or which work both less intensively. In addition, as the calf is a small muscle, it takes less time to recover and can be trained up to 3 times a week.

For each of the following exercises, it is advisable to do 3 training sets with 12 to 20 movements and with 20 to 30 seconds of rest, or according to what is recommended by the physical education professional according to the person's objective:

1. Standing calf or calf lift

This exercise is the most performed, mainly by beginners, since it is simple and is usually used as a way to accustom the muscle to movement. In this type of exercise, just lean on the wall or on a bench, stand on your feet and return to the starting position, doing this sequence according to the instructor's recommendation.

To intensify muscle work, it may be recommended to put on shin guards, as this way there will be greater resistance to movement, increasing the intensity of the exercise and favoring the results.

2. Calf on the step

This exercise is a variation of the classic calf lifting exercise, but it is done with greater intensity to develop a calf with greater volume and more strength, with the work mainly of the gastrocnemius muscle. In this type of exercise the weight does not matter, but the range of movement: the greater the range, the greater the work of the calf muscle.

To do this exercise you must:

  1. Climb on the step or on a step; Leave only the tip of the feet supported, keeping the heel unsupported; Stretch the calf, pushing the body upwards, using as much force as possible, as if jumping, but without taking your feet off step or step; Descend again, letting the heels pass slightly below the level of the step or step, while the muscle stretches.

It is very important to correctly perform the last step of the exercise, as it allows you to work the muscles in their entirety. At this point it is also important to maintain the position for at least 1 second, before rising again, to ensure that the energy accumulated on the tendon has time to dissipate, working only the muscle.

3. Isolated calf

Isolated calf lift is another variation of the classic calf lift, which is done one leg at a time. This exercise is good to ensure a balance in the development of the muscles of each leg, preventing that greater weight is supported by one of the legs.

To do this calf lift you can use a step or step again and:

  1. Climb on the step or on a step; Leave only the tip of one foot supported, keeping the heel unsupported; Leave the other leg bent or stretched, but without supporting the step, step or the floor; Stretch the calf, pushing the body upwards until the muscle is completely contracted; descend again, letting the heel pass slightly below the level of the step or step.

Finally, you must change your leg and repeat the exercise.

To facilitate the exercise, you can place the step in front of a wall, in order to support your hands and avoid imbalance. This exercise can also be done without the step , with two feet resting on the floor and the other suspended, and be intensified by holding a dumbbell or washer with your hands during its performance.

4. Seated calf

Doing the standing or sitting lifting exercise activates the calf muscles differently, so this exercise should always be part of the training. Although there are specific machines for doing this exercise at the gym, it can also be done using only dumbbells or weights. To do this you must:

  1. Sit on a bench so that your knees are bent at an angle of 90º; Place a dumbbell on each knee, keeping your feet flat on the floor; Lift your heel, keeping the tip of your foot on the floor; Hold the position for 1 second and return to the starting position with your feet well supported.

In this exercise, attention should be paid to the height of the bench, as the hip should not be higher or lower than the knee, with the risk of injury to the joint. In addition, the weight should be gradually increased, the ideal being that by the 5th repetition the muscle should feel slightly burning.

In relation to the machines, it is possible to perform the exercise on a specific machine for this purpose, in which the person adjusts the bench, holds the knees and makes the movement of the exercise, paying attention to the amplitude of the movement. Another piece of equipment that can be used is the machine to perform the leg press and the 45º leg, and the person must place their feet at the end of the support plate, so that the heel is out, and perform the movement. It is important that these exercises are indicated by the instructor according to the person's goal.

4 Best Calf Exercises