Home Bulls Functional exercises: check out some examples and see how to do functional training

Functional exercises: check out some examples and see how to do functional training


Functional exercises are those that work all the muscles at the same time, differently from what happens in bodybuilding, in which muscle groups are worked out in isolation. Thus, functional exercises improve body awareness, motor coordination, agility, balance and muscle strength.

Functional training can be performed by all people, as long as they are accompanied by a physical education professional. This type of training is dynamic and involves several muscle groups, favoring the improvement of physical conditioning and improvement of muscular endurance and strength. Discover other benefits of functional training.

Examples of Functional Exercises

Functional exercises are performed mainly with the use of the body's own weight, however the exercises can also be done using some accessories, such as dumbbells, rubber bands, pulleys, kettlebells , Swiss balls, among others, which are simple and inexpensive.

It is important that the functional circuit is determined by the professional according to the person's characteristics and objectives. Some examples of functional exercises are:

1. Squat

The squat is a great exercise not only to strengthen the core, but also to work the lower limbs and can be done using your own body weight or with dumbbells.

For the squat to be performed correctly, it is important to position your feet facing forward and shoulder width and, if applicable, hold the dumbbell in front of your body. Then contract the abdomen, crouch and return to the starting position. This movement must be repeated for the time indicated by the instructor.

2. One-sided swing with Kettlebell

This exercise is done using the kettlebell and complements the squat, as it helps to develop the extension of the ankles, knees and hips.

To perform this exercise, you need to hold the kettlebell with your right hand and slightly flex your knees. Then, push your body so that the kettlebell is shoulder-length and knees extended, and then lower the kettlebell down the same path.

Because the functional training is dynamic, it is often recommended that when the kettlebell returns to the starting position, the person moves it to the other hand, being able to work both sides during the same series.

3. Overhead development

This exercise helps to give stability to the core and shoulders and can be done with a dumbbell or a barbell, for example.

The execution of this exercise is simple, just position the dumbbells or the barbell at shoulder height and develop up above the head, and the movement must be repeated during the time indicated by the instructor.

4. Surfboard

The board is a great exercise to ensure the stability of the shoulder and the stiffness of the core, which corresponds to the muscles of the abdominal, lumbar and pelvic region that guarantee the stability of the spine.

To make the board, just support your hands or elbows and the balls of your feet on the floor and maintain the position for the time recommended by the instructor.

5. Waving with naval rope

This exercise promotes increased core resistance and favors physical conditioning, which is often incorporated into functional circuits.

The exercise of the naval rope is simple, and the person must hold the ends of the rope, contract the abdomen and, with knees semi-flexed, move the hands up and down, alternately, so that undulations are formed.

Functional exercises: check out some examples and see how to do functional training