Home Symptoms How to identify symptoms according to type of allergy

How to identify symptoms according to type of allergy


Allergy symptoms arise when the body comes into contact with a harmless substance, such as dust, pollen, milk protein or egg, but which the immune system sees as dangerous, producing an exaggerated response.

Depending on the location and the substance that caused the allergy, symptoms can vary, making it more difficult to identify the cause. In general, the allergy causes strong symptoms such as itching, redness of the skin, swelling in the mouth and shortness of breath, while food intolerance causes less severe symptoms, such as stomach pain and diarrhea.

1. Food allergy

Symptoms of food allergy arise after eating allergenic foods, such as strawberries, shellfish, peanuts, milk or forest fruits, for example, and include:

  • Tingling or itching in the mouth; Itching of the skin, reddish and asparagus; Swelling and itching of the neck, lips, face or tongue; Abdominal pain; Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting; Hoarseness.

In the most severe cases, or when treatment is not started as soon as possible, the patient may develop symptoms of anaphylaxis, which is a serious condition that must be treated in the hospital and includes symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, swelling in the throat, sudden drop in pressure or fainting. Know how to identify anaphylaxis and what to do.

2. Skin allergy

Symptoms of skin allergy are frequent in cases of weakened immune system, allergy to medications or infectious diseases and usually include the appearance of hives with pellets, itching, redness and swelling of the skin.

These symptoms are usually caused by direct contact with substances such as perfumes, nickel, enamels or latex, but they can also be caused by the release of histamine, originating from a respiratory or food allergy.

To relieve allergy symptoms on the skin, wash the area with hypoallergenic soap and water, apply a moisturizing cream and take an antihistamine remedy such as Hixizine or Hydroxyzine, prescribed by the doctor. However, in cases that take a long time to pass, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, as it may be necessary to take allergy medicine. Learn how to identify and treat skin allergy.

3. Respiratory allergy

Respiratory allergy symptoms usually affect the nose, throat and skin, appearing:

  • Nasal discharge, leaving the nose blocked; Itchy nose; Constant sneezing; Red nose; Dry cough and difficulty breathing; Redness in the eyes and watery eyes; Headaches.

Respiratory allergy can arise when the airways come into contact with substances such as dust, mold or hair from cats or other animals, and must be treated in the hospital with the use of medicines that facilitate breathing, such as Salbutamol or Fenoterol.

Respiratory allergy does not cause asthma, but it can worsen the condition of an asthmatic patient, in which case the patient must use the pump prescribed by the doctor and take an antihistamine drug to reduce the symptoms of allergy.

4. Drug allergy

Drug allergy causes symptoms similar to other types of allergy, such as the appearance of red pellets on the skin, itching, hives, swelling, asthma, rhinitis, diarrhea, headache and intestinal cramps.

These symptoms arise with the use of the medication, and improve when the treatment is stopped. After identifying a drug that caused an allergic reaction, it is important to always inform the name of the doctor before any treatment or surgery, to prevent the problem from recurring.

How to identify symptoms according to type of allergy