Home Bulls Best stretches for back and neck pain

Best stretches for back and neck pain


This series of 10 stretching exercises for back pain helps to relieve pain and increase range of motion, providing pain relief and muscle relaxation.

They can be done in the morning, when you wake up, at work or whenever there is a need. To improve the effect of stretching, what you can do is take a hot bath first because it helps to relax the muscles, increasing the effectiveness of the exercises.

How to stretch properly

Muscle stretching exercises should be done before and after physical activity and also serve as a form of treatment, when indicated by the physiotherapist, because they improve muscle flexibility, prevent and treat muscle and joint pain.

During stretching it is normal to feel the muscle stretching, but it is important not to push too hard so as not to damage the spine. Hold each position for 20-30 seconds, repeat the movement 3 times, or hold each position for 1 minute, followed.

If you feel any pain or tingling sensation, consult a physiotherapist, so that he may indicate a more appropriate treatment.

1. Bend the body forward

Stretching 1

With your legs together, bend your body forward as shown in the image, keeping your knees straight.

2. Stretch the leg

Stretching 2

Sit on the floor and bend one leg, until the foot is close to the private parts, and the other leg is well stretched. Bend your body forward, trying to support your hand on your foot, as shown in the image, keeping your knee straight. If it is not possible to reach the foot, reach the middle of the leg or ankle. Then do it with the other leg.

3. Get to the ground

Stretching 3

This is similar to the first exercise, but can be done with more intensity. You should try to put your hands on the floor without bending your knees.

4. Stretch your neck

Stretching 4

Lean your head to the side and keep one hand holding your head, forcing the stretch. The other hand can be supported on the shoulder or hanging over the body.

5. Tilt your head back

Stretching 5

Keep your shoulders straight and look up, tilting your head back. You can place a hand on the back of the neck for greater comfort, or not.

6. Tilt your head down

Stretching 6

With both hands superimposed on the back of the head, you should lean your head forward, feeling your back stretch.

7. Sit on your heels

Get on your knees on the floor, and then put your buttocks on your heels and bring your torso close to the floor, keeping your hands stretched out in front, as shown in the image.

8. Place your hands on your back

Sit with your legs bent, in a butterfly position, and with your back erect, try to bring your palms together, as shown in the image.

9. Twist your back

Sit on the floor, support a hand near your butt and lean your torso back. To help maintain this position, you can bend one leg and use it as an armrest, as shown in the image. Then repeat for the other side.

10. Pyramid with hand on the floor

With your legs apart, spread your arms horizontally, and lean your body forward. Support one hand on the floor, in the center, and turn the body to the side, keeping the other hand stretched high. Then repeat for the other side.

Best stretches for back and neck pain