Home Bulls 12 Mandatory Exams in Pregnancy

12 Mandatory Exams in Pregnancy


Pregnancy exams should be ordered by the obstetrician who accompanies the woman during pregnancy and basically include blood tests, ultrasounds, gynecological and urine tests, but there are others that can be ordered in special situations, such as amniocentesis or biopsy of the chorionic villus.

In all consultations, the obstetrician should check the pregnant woman's weight gain, blood pressure and abdomen increase and indicate the use of nutritional supplements, such as folic acid and ferrous sulfate to ensure the health of the mother and baby.

The list of exams in the first trimester of pregnancy is longer because, in addition to checking how the baby is doing, it is important to check the mother's health, which is essential for the baby's good development. The exams of the second and third trimesters are more directed at the baby's development.

Prenatal exams that every pregnant woman needs to do

Prenatal consultations should be carried out once a month until the 32nd week of pregnancy and, thereafter, once a week until the baby is born. The following are the essential tests that must be done by all pregnant women:

1. Complete blood count

This blood test is to check for any changes in the blood cells, infection or anemia. It must be done in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

2. Blood type and Rh factor

This blood test is used to check the mother's blood group and the Rh factor, whether it is positive or negative. If the mother has negative Rh factor and the baby positive Rh factor that she inherited from the father, when the baby's blood comes into contact with the mother's, the mother's immune system will produce antibodies against it, which can cause, in a second pregnancy, hemolytic disease of the newborn. It must be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

3. Fasting glucose

This blood test serves to track gestational diabetes and monitor its treatment or control. It must be done in the 1st and repeated in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

4. VDRL blood test

It serves to diagnose syphilis, which when left untreated, can cause deafness, blindness or neurological problems in the baby. It must be done in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, and it may be necessary to repeat in the 3rd.

5. Blood test for HIV

It serves to diagnose the HIV virus, which is the cause of AIDS, which can be transmitted to the baby. It must be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and it may be necessary to repeat.

6. Rubella blood test

It serves to diagnose rubella, which can cause neurological problems or mental retardation in the baby. It must be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and it may be necessary to repeat.

7. CMV blood test

It is used to diagnose cytomegalovirus infection, which can cause malformations in the fetus, such as mental retardation. It must be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and it may be necessary to repeat.

8. Blood test for Toxoplasmosis

It serves to diagnose toxoplasmosis, which can be transmitted to the baby, which can cause mental retardation or blindness. It must be done in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

9. Blood test for Hepatitis B and C

It serves to make the diagnosis of hepatitis B or C, and the virus can be transmitted to the baby, which can cause premature birth or low birth weight baby. It must be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and it may be necessary to repeat.

10. Examination of urine and urine culture

It serves to diagnose urinary tract infection, which when left untreated, can cause childbirth ahead of time. It must be done in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

11. Ultrasound

It serves to detect the presence of the embryo, the time of pregnancy and the date of delivery, the baby's heartbeat, the position, development and growth of the baby. It must be done in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. In addition to the conventional ultrasound exam, 3D and 4D ultrasound exams can also be used, which allow you to see the baby's face and identify diseases.

12. Gynecological examination and Pap smear

It serves to assess the intimate region and detect vaginal infections or cervical cancer. It must be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.


These exams can be performed free of charge by SUS. However, ultrasounds are often not performed because health centers may not have the necessary equipment. This examination in private clinics can cost about 50 to 150 reais, in the case of transvaginal ultrasound, and 100 to 200 reais, in the case of morphological ultrasound.

Pregnant women who wish to do prenatal care through SUS are entitled to at least 6 free consultations during pregnancy.

12 Mandatory Exams in Pregnancy