Home Symptoms 3 Gluten-free recipes for celiac disease

3 Gluten-free recipes for celiac disease


The recipes for celiac disease should not contain wheat, barley, rye and oats because these cereals contain gluten and this protein is harmful to the celiac patient, so here are some gluten-free recipes.

Celiac disease is usually diagnosed in childhood, and has no cure, so the person must have a gluten-free diet for life. However, it is not difficult to have a gluten-free diet, as there are many substitutes for wheat, barley, rye and oats.

Potato starch cake


  • 7 to 8 eggs; 2 cups (curd) of sugar; 1 box (200 gr.) Of potato starch; Lemon or orange zest

Method of preparation:

Beat the egg whites and reserve. Put the egg yolks in the mixer and beat well, add the sugar, and continue beating until it is whitish. Keep beating and pour the starch using a sieve, then the lemon zest. Now with a wooden spoon, gently mix the egg whites. Pour a layer in a high and large shape, because the more eggs you use the more the cake will grow. Stuff to taste. Complete with another layer. This cake does not contain baking powder.

Potato bread


  • 2 yeast tablets (30 g) 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 box of rice cream (200 g) 2 large boiled and squeezed potatoes (about 400 g) 2 tablespoons of margarine1 / 2 cup of warm milk (110 ml) or soy milk 3 whole eggs 2 coffee spoons of salt (12 g) 1 box of potato starch (200 g) 2 tablespoon of cornstarch

Method of preparation:

Mix the yeast, sugar and half of the rice cream (100 g). Let stand for 5 minutes. Apart, mix the mashed potatoes, the margarine, the milk, the eggs and the salt in an electric mixer, until the ingredients are well mixed. Remove from the mixer, add the reserved yeast mixture, the rest of the rice cream, the potato starch and mix well until it forms a homogeneous mass. Grease a loaf pan or large English cake with margarine and sprinkle the rice cream. Put the dough and let it rest in a protected place for 30 minutes. Brush with cornstarch diluted in half a cup (tea) of cold water (110 ml) and bake in a preheated oven at medium temperature (180 degrees) for about 40 minutes.

Quinoa pudding

This pudding is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus and omegas 3 and 6, which are some of the nutrients present in abundance in quinoa.


  • 3/4 cup of quinoa in grains4 cups of rice drink1 / 4 cup of sugar1 / 4 cup of honey2 eggs1 / 4 tablespoon of cardamom1 / 2 cup of pitted raisins1 / 4 cup of chopped dried apricots

Method of preparation

Place the quinoa and 3 cups of the rice drink in a large pot and cook, stirring for 15 minutes. In another bowl, mix the sugar, honey, cardomomo, eggs and the rest of the rice drink and mix well. Put everything in the same pan and then add the raisins and apricots, over low heat, until the mixture is thick, which takes 3 to 5 minutes. Pour the pudding into the bowls and refrigerate for 8 hours and then serve cold.

See what foods to avoid and which ones you can eat in celiac disease:

3 Gluten-free recipes for celiac disease