Home Bulls Baby food recipes for 10 month old babies

Baby food recipes for 10 month old babies


At 10 months the baby is more active and has a greater desire to participate in the feeding process, it is important that parents allow the child to try to eat alone with their hands, even if at the end of the meal they have to insist with the spoon for the child finish eating.

Despite the dirt and mess caused at this time, the baby should be allowed to take the food at will and try to put it in his mouth, as forcing him to behave and maintain hygiene can cause him to associate meal to fights and arguments, losing interest in food. See How is it and what does the Baby with 10 months.

Fruit snack with milk

This meal can be used in the baby's morning snack, using 1 banana and 1 kiwi cut into cubes, together with 1 dessert spoon of powdered milk suitable for the baby's age.

Fruit juice with oats

Beat in a blender 50 ml of filtered water, 50 ml of natural sugar-free acerola juice, 1 shelled pear and 3 shallow tablespoons of oats. Serve the baby naturally, without being too cold.

Carrot and Ground Beef Baby Food

This baby food is rich in vitamin A, folic acid and iron, important nutrients for maintaining baby's eye health and preventing anemia.


  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of grated carrot; ⅓ cup of spinach; 3 tablespoons of rice; 2 tablespoons of bean broth; 2 tablespoons of ground beef; 1 teaspoon of olive oil; onion, parsley and cilantro to season.

Method of preparation:

Heat the oil and sauté the onion until it wilts, then add the meat and cook for 5 minutes. Add the carrot, parsley, cilantro, spinach and 1 cup of filtered water, allowing the mixture to cook for about 20 minutes. Let it warm and serve in the baby's dish, together with the rice and the bean broth.

Vegetable baby food with liver

The liver is rich in vitamin A, B vitamins and iron, but it should only be consumed once a week, so that the baby does not receive excess vitamins.


  • 3 tablespoons of diced vegetables (beets, squash, chayote); 2 tablespoons of mashed sweet potatoes; 1 tablespoon of peas; 2 tablespoons of cooked and chopped liver; 1 tablespoon of canola oil; onion, garlic and peppers for seasoning.

Method of preparation:

Cook the vegetables and cut into cubes. Sauté the onion, garlic and peppers, and add the liver with half a glass of water, allowing to cook until soft. Add the peas and keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. Chop the liver and serve with the vegetables and sweet potatoes.

For more tips and healthy eating for your child, see also baby food recipes for 11-month-old babies.

Baby food recipes for 10 month old babies