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What to do to drink without getting drunk


The best way to not wake up with a hangover is to not consume alcoholic beverages in an exaggerated way. Wine and even beer can have health benefits as long as the person takes just 1 serving a day, with the meal.

But there are some strategies that you can adopt when you go to a party or have a barbecue with friends. So, in order to consume alcoholic beverages and not get drunk, and consequently not get a hangover, you need to follow the following strategies:

1. Eat something sweet between each glass of alcohol

A great way to avoid drinking and hangover the next day is to eat small pieces of fruit while drinking. A fruit caipirinha is better than pure cachaça, for example, because it brings fructose and glucose to help process alcohol, and the fruits still replenish the potassium that is lost through urine.

Another possibility is to eat a piece of candy, like 1 square of dark chocolate, because the consumption of sugar reduces the absorption of alcohol by the body, making the individual not to get drunk or hangover the next day. The amount of sweets that you should eat depends on the amount of alcohol you are going to eat, but on average, for each glass of alcoholic beverage the person needs to eat 1 square of chocolate.

2. Eat salty foods while drinking

Another excellent strategy is to eat 1 meal before you start drinking because you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach. In addition, eating naturally salty snacks such as peanuts, olives, cheese or pistachios while drinking alcohol is also a good strategy because, with a “full” intestine, alcohol is absorbed more slowly and does not affect the liver as much, decreasing the risk of person getting drunk and ending the joy of the party.

3. Do not mix different drinks

Another precious tip for not getting a hangover is not to mix different drinks, and so whoever started the party drinking beer should keep drinking beer, setting aside caipirinha, vodka, wines or any other drink that contains alcohol because this mixture makes that alcohol is metabolized even faster by the liver and the person gets drunk faster.

4. Take 1 glass of water between each glass of alcohol

Another way to avoid getting a hangover is to always drink 1 glass of water after each glass of alcohol. Water does not contain calories and is the healthiest option of all the previous ones and it works because as the alcohol dehydrates, the water rehydrates, leaving the body balanced, decreasing the risk of the person getting nausea and headache the next day.

However, you should avoid drinking sparkling water or soda, if you are consuming an alcoholic beverage, because the gas makes the body absorb alcohol even faster and therefore the chances of the person getting drunk is greater. Before going to sleep it is also recommended to take 1 full glass of water because it also decreases the chances of waking up with a hangover the next morning.

5. Take an anti-hangover medication

Taking 1 tablet of Engov before you start drinking can also help to slow the way alcohol reaches the bloodstream, however, this should not be taken as an excuse to drink until you drop, as it certainly will not work. In the indications of this remedy there is the information to take another pill when you wake up the next morning to reduce the symptoms of eye pain, nausea, malaise and indisposition.

How to never get hungover again

Here in this video you will find the best tips for consuming alcohol without getting drunk:

The best way to get rid of a hangover completely is not to consume alcoholic beverages, so if you are in the habit of drinking alcohol every day or if you consume alcoholic beverages because it is hot, because it is raining, because you are sad, or just because you are willingness, these can be signs of alcoholism and that you need help to get rid of this addiction. Learn how to identify an alcoholic and how to get rid of this addiction.

What to do to drink without getting drunk