Home Home-Remedies 5 home remedies to increase fertility

5 home remedies to increase fertility


Some medicinal plants like Ashwagandha, Agnocasto or Peruvian Maca can be useful for those who are trying to get pregnant and have encountered some difficulties. Most of these plants improve blood circulation and regulate hormonal production, but also strengthen the body and combat situations of depression and stress, which can facilitate the process of becoming pregnant.

However, the ideal is always to consult a fertility specialist to assess if there are any health problems that are causing this difficulty and to make a more targeted treatment plan. These plants should not replace any medical treatment, but should be used as a complement, ideally with the knowledge of the doctor, herbalist or naturopath.

The plants presented can be found in health food stores and natural supplement stores, for example. However, the specialist responsible for the treatment can indicate the best places to buy.

Check out the most common problems that can cause difficulty getting pregnant.

1. Ashwagandha

This is a plant widely used in traditional Indian medicine that appears to have several health benefits, including male and female reproductive health. In the case of women, ashwagandha seems to be very effective in regulating hormones, promoting a better functioning of the reproductive organs, and is even often used in women who have had several abortions to strengthen the uterus.

In the case of men, this plant seems to improve the formation of sperm and improves the quality of the seminal fluid, due to its nutritional and antioxidant power.

2. Peruvian stretcher

Peruvian maca is a potent natural adaptogen that helps fight stress, in addition to balancing hormone production. It also contains many vitamins and nutrients important for pregnancy, nourishing the woman's body to receive a pregnancy.

In humans, the use of this plant seems to increase sperm production, improve sperm mobility, as well as prevent erectile dysfunction.

3. Shatavari

In addition to being a plant with an aphrodisiac effect, shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus, has adaptogenic power that helps to balance the production of hormones, regulating the production of higher quality eggs and sperm. At the same time, this plant also nourishes the reproductive organs, especially in women.

In men, shatavari is a natural tonic and is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve the production of healthy sperm.

4. Agnocasto

Agnocasto is a plant with a long history of use in various types of problems in the reproductive system, being mainly important to increase the production of luteinizing hormone, facilitating ovulation and the production of mature eggs.

For this reason, this plant can be used by women who have a disorder in the luteal phase of the cycle, for example.

5. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto can be used in both women and men, because it contains fatty acids and phytoestrogens that promote the correct functioning of the ovaries, especially in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, in addition to acting on the production of sperm and the health of the testicles, in the man.

How to increase the effect of plants

To increase the effect of these plants on fertility it is recommended to consume them in the form of supplements, avoiding the treatment with teas. For this reason, it is very important to consult a herbalist or other naturopath with knowledge in herbal medicine to adjust the dosage.

In addition, together with these plants, herbs that detoxify and improve liver function, such as bilberry or thistle, should also be used, as they improve the functioning of the entire body. These plants should also only be used with the knowledge of the doctor, as some interfere with the functioning of certain medications.

Watch the following video and also find out which foods increase the chance of getting pregnant:

5 home remedies to increase fertility