Home Symptoms 6 "oily" foods you should not eat when getting a tattoo

6 "oily" foods you should not eat when getting a tattoo


"Remosos" is a popular expression used to describe those foods that are richer in fat, refined oils, sugars and salt and, therefore, are more likely to cause inflammation in the skin and interfere with the healing process. Such foods include, for example, sausage, sausage and ham.

Thus, avoiding this type of food in the diet is an excellent way to complement the treatment for people who have skin problems or who have some type of acute inflammation, as happens after getting a tattoo.

However, it is important to remember that in addition to food, it is also very important to maintain proper care with the tattoo, such as keeping the skin protected, not scratching and avoiding sun, to ensure better healing and a more beautiful tattoo. Check out all the care you should take after getting a tattoo.

List of oily foods

The oily foods that should be avoided in the diet mainly include:

  1. Ready-made soft drinks and juices; Fried foods such as chips, pastries and other snacks, fast food; Pork and processed meats, such as sausages, ham, sausages, bacon, bologna and salami; Sweets, stuffed cookies, cakes, cakes ready-made pastries, chocolates, cereal bars; Instant noodles, diced beef broth, frozen ready food, ice cream; Alcoholic beverages.

Excessive consumption of these foods increases inflammation and hinders the healing process of the skin, and can also lead to other health problems such as headaches, high cholesterol and diabetes. The ideal is that these foods are not part of the food routine, and that they are not consumed for at least 1 week after surgery, placement of a piercing or tattoo, for example.

What not to eat after the tattoo

The recommendations after the tattoo should be followed, since the process of getting a tattoo is characterized by small multiple lesions on the skin and, if you are not careful, it can result in a very serious inflammatory process.

Thus, it is important to avoid consuming fatty foods, pork, seafood, chocolate and alcoholic beverages at least 1 week after the tattoo.

What to eat to speed healing

To speed up the skin healing process, foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, such as omega-3, should be consumed. Among the most antioxidant foods are: tomatoes, berries, citrus fruits like orange and acerola, and herbs like garlic, onions and saffron.

Anti-inflammatory foods are those rich in good fats such as chestnuts, avocado, salmon, tuna, sardines, olive oil, peanuts, flaxseed, chia and sesame. In addition, taking 1 to 2 cups of anti-inflammatory teas will also help with healing, and herbs such as chamomile, ginger and rosemary can be used. See more tips on anti-inflammatory nutrition.

Tattoo care

In addition to taking care of the food to ensure proper skin renewal with the tattoo, it is also necessary to take other precautions such as washing the area with antiseptic soap for at least 2 weeks, avoiding sunbathing and not entering the sea or the pool for at least 2 months, otherwise the skin area may be irritated and inflammation may occur.

Finally, one must look for a reliable place to get the tattoo, one that has permission to act and in which the material used during the procedure is fully sterilized, as this is essential to prevent the transmission of diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS.

6 "oily" foods you should not eat when getting a tattoo