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Causes and transmission of candidiasis


Candidiasis arises in the intimate region due to the overgrowth of a type of fungus known as Candida albicans . Although the vagina and penis are places that have a high number of bacteria and fungi, normally the body is able to maintain a balance between them, preventing the appearance of symptoms.

However, when there is a lack of intimate hygiene, unprotected intimate contact or some health problem, the organism may experience greater difficulty in keeping the number of fungi in balance, causing Candida albicans to proliferate in excess, causing candidiasis with symptoms such as itching. or redness of the site.

6 common causes of candidiasis

Candidiasis can be caused by situations such as:

1. Use of synthetic or very tight underwear

The best type of underwear to wear is made of cotton and not tight, because it allows more ventilation and thus prevents the increase of humidity in the place. When synthetic clothing is used, the humidity in the intimate area increases, as does the temperature and, therefore, fungi have an easier time growing, causing candidiasis.

2. Recent use of antibiotics

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used to fight infections, however, in addition to eliminating the bacteria they propose, they also decrease the number of "good bacteria" present in the vagina that are responsible for preventing the growth of fungi. With the use of this type of medication, the number of Doderlein bacilli decreases, allowing the growth of fungi, which give rise to candidiasis.

3. Uncontrolled diabetes

This is one of the main causes associated with cases of chronic candidiasis, because when diabetes is not treated properly, the increase in blood sugar levels, facilitate the growth and development of fungi in the genital region.

4. Excessive stress

Excessive stress is able to decrease the immune system's response to defend the organism and, therefore, during periods of high pressure it is common to develop fungal infections such as candidiasis.

Candidiasis is one of the most common infections in people who suffer from constant stress and anxiety, as the immune system is weakened and is unable to maintain the balance of fungi on the skin.

5. Hormonal imbalances

Common hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause due to hormone replacement therapy also facilitate the development of fungi that cause candidiasis.

6. Autoimmune diseases

Although it is one of the least frequent causes of the development of candidiasis, the presence of an autoimmune disease, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or even immunosuppressive therapy due to HIV or cancer, can lead to the development of candidiasis.

In any case, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to start the appropriate treatment with local or oral antifungals and to identify what may have caused the appearance of candidiasis. See in the video below how the right nutrition can be the key to cure candidiasis faster:

Candidiasis passes from one person to another?

Candidiasis can pass to someone else during sexual contact, but Candida is a fungus that naturally inhabits the woman's genital region, and has a preference for an acidic environment.

About half of women live with the fungus, being healthy and without any symptoms, however the proliferation of this fungus causes candidiasis due to factors such as increased humidity and systemic changes, such as pregnancy, hormone therapy, use of antibiotics or being on treatment with immunosuppression, which is what happens during treatment against cancer or some autoimmune disease.

Oral sex and an increase in the number of sexual contacts per week are also believed to increase the chances of developing candidiasis.

Another form of transmission is during normal birth, when the woman has vaginal candidiasis and the baby is contaminated when it passes through the birth canal, and develops the popular thrush, scientifically called oral candidiasis.

Causes and transmission of candidiasis