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What does closed or open cervix mean


The cervix is ​​the lower portion of the uterus that comes into contact with the vagina and has an opening in the center, known as the cervical canal, which connects the inside of the uterus to the vagina and which may be open or closed.

Generally, before pregnancy, the cervix is ​​closed and firm. As the pregnancy proceeds, the cervix prepares for delivery, becoming softer and more dilated. However, in situations of cervical insufficiency, it may open too soon, leading to an early delivery. Learn more about cervical insufficiency.

Situations in which the cervix is ​​closed

Usually, the cervix is ​​closed during pregnancy or when the woman is not in her fertile period. Thus, presenting the cervix closed is not an absolute sign that the person is pregnant.

Situations where the cervix is ​​open

Generally, the cervix is ​​open in the following phases:

  • During menstruation, so that the menstrual flow can go outside; In pre-ovulation and ovulation, so that the sperm pass through the cervical canal and fertilize the egg; At the end of pregnancy, so that the baby can go abroad.

When the cervix is ​​open during pregnancy, there is a greater risk of miscarriage or premature birth and, therefore, it is important that during the prenatal consultations with the obstetrician, the dilation of the cervix is ​​evaluated.

How to feel the cervix

The cervix can be checked by the woman herself, making it possible to see if it is open or closed. To do this, you should wash your hands well and stay in a comfortable position, preferably sitting and with your knees apart.

Then, the longest finger can be gently inserted into the vagina, with the help of a lubricant if necessary, allowing it to slide until you feel the cervix. Upon reaching this region, it is possible to perceive whether the orifice is open or closed, by touching it.

Most common questions

1. Closed cervix means what?

The closed cervix can be a sign that the person is pregnant or out of the fertile period.

2. What can be closed cervix and bleeding in pregnancy?

If the cervix is ​​closed and bleeding occurs, it may mean that some of the blood vessels in the cervix have ruptured due to their growth, as it swells a lot in early pregnancy. In addition, it can also happen due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. Here's how to know if there was nesting.

Anyway, in case of any bleeding, you should immediately go to the obstetrician, so that he can identify the cause as soon as possible, in order to prevent complications.

3. Does closed cervix make it difficult to get pregnant?

Generally, the cervix is ​​closed during the non-fertile period, that is, when there is no egg ready to be fertilized or when ovulation still takes a few days to occur. Therefore, although it is not impossible, it is unlikely that a pregnancy will occur in this situation.

4. Does closed cervix mean pregnancy?

No. During pregnancy the cervix is ​​closed, however, it is not the only situation in which this happens, since it is also closed outside the woman's fertile period.

What does closed or open cervix mean