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Understand what cortisol is and what it is for


Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, which are located above the kidneys. The function of cortisol is to help the body control stress, reduce inflammation, contribute to the functioning of the immune system and keep blood sugar levels constant, as well as blood pressure.

Cortisol levels in the blood vary during the day because they are related to daily activity and serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure and well-being. Thus, the levels of basal cortisol in the blood are generally higher in the morning upon waking, from 8.7 to 22 µg / dL, and then decreasing throughout the day to values ​​below 10 µg / dL, and in people working at night the levels are reversed.

High cortisol in the blood can cause symptoms such as loss of muscle mass, weight gain or decrease in testosterone or be indicative of problems, such as Cushing's Syndrome, for example.

Low cortisol can cause symptoms of depression, tiredness or weakness or be indicative of problems, such as Addison's disease, for example.

High Cortisol

High cortisol can cause signs and symptoms such as:

  • Loss of muscle mass; Increased weight; Increased chances of osteoporosis; Difficulty in learning; Low growth; Decreased testosterone; Memory lapses; Increased thirst and frequency of urination; Decreased sexual appetite; Irregular menstruation.

High cortisol may also indicate a condition called Cushing's Syndrome, which causes symptoms such as rapid weight gain, with accumulation of fat in the abdominal region, hair loss and oily skin. Find out more about this disease at: Cushing's syndrome.

Treatment for High Cortisol

The treatment to lower cortisol can be done with medications prescribed by the doctor, but the consumption of yam is a great home remedy. Other ways to naturally control excess cortisol in your blood is to exercise regularly, eat healthy, increase your vitamin C intake and decrease your caffeine intake. Find out what are the main causes of high cortisol and see more about treatment to lower cortisol levels.

Low Cortisol

Low cortisol can cause signs and symptoms such as:

  • Depression; Fatigue; Tiredness; Weakness; Sudden desire to eat sweets.

Low cortisol can also indicate that the person has Addison's disease, which causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, weakness, weight loss, skin spots and dizziness, especially when standing up. Learn more about Addison's disease.

Cortisol Examination

The cortisol test is indicated to assess cortisol levels and can be done using a blood, urine or saliva sample. The reference values ​​for blood cortisol levels are:

  • Morning: 8.7 to 22 µg / dL; End of day: less than 10 µg / dL.

If the result of the cortisol test is altered, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist to identify the cause and start treatment as soon as possible, if necessary, because high or low cortisol levels are not always indicative of disease, as they can altered due to heat or the presence of infections, for example. Learn more about the cortisol exam.

Understand what cortisol is and what it is for