Home Symptoms Pork has less cholesterol than beef

Pork has less cholesterol than beef


Eating pork is not bad for your health, as long as it is well cooked, as proper cooking prevents the transmission of cysticercosis, a disease that can affect the nervous system and cause seizures and mental problems.

In addition, this type of meat is rich in good (unsaturated) fats, which are good for the heart, and contains less cholesterol than beef, making it a good choice in a balanced diet.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the cut of the meat, as pieces such as bacon and ribs are rich in fats and, therefore, are not recommended in a diet for weight loss or weight maintenance.

Understand when pork is bad

Although pork is not bad for your health, it should not be consumed in excess, especially the fatty parts of the animal. So, like all red meat, the ideal is that this meat is consumed only about 2 to 3 times a week, because over time it increases the risk of heart problems. Here are 5 other reasons to eat less red meat.

How to consume pork

How to choose the best pork

It is important to choose pork of known origin, preferably industrialized, in which the animals have a controlled health to avoid the transmission of diseases.

In addition, cuts with less fat should be preferred, such as steak and tenderloin, and avoiding the very fatty portions of pork, such as bacon, bacon, ham and ribs.

How to prepare meat in a healthy way

To prepare pork, lean cuts should be preferred and all visible fat removed before preparation, as cooking causes the fat to penetrate the meat, increasing calories.

It is also important to prefer cooked or roasted preparations, avoiding fried foods and the use of fatty sauces, such as white sauce and barbecue. In addition, it is not necessary to wash the meat before preparation, as water does not eliminate contamination by diseases, causing only important nutrients in the food to be lost.

Grilled tenderloin recipe with yogurt and herbs

Although choosing a meat with less fat, such as sirloin, may seem to have less flavor, they can be prepared following recipes like this, which help to accentuate the flavor without harming health.

This recipe gives up to 4 people:


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce; ½ tablespoon of ground cumin; lemon juice; 1 crushed garlic clove; pinch of pepper; 500 grams of pork tenderloin, trimmed and fat-free; Salt and pepper; Sesame seeds; Fresh parsley; 1 teaspoon of honey; 2 tablespoons of mint and chives; 85 grams of plain yogurt

How to prepare

Mix the olive oil with the tomato sauce, cumin, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, garlic, pepper, salt and pepper, in a bowl. Put the pork loin cut into pieces in the mixture and wrap well. Cover the bowl and let the meat rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

To prepare the sauce, mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with honey and yogurt. Finally, add the mint and chives and season with salt and pepper.

To cook the meat, remove it from the refrigerator 15 minutes before and then grill it with a little oil, turning it on the side every 10 or 12 minutes. Pour the grilled meat on a plate and let it cool completely. Then pour the sauce over the meat and serve.

Nutritional table of pork cuts

The nutritional information for 100 grams of each cut of pork is:

Type of pork cut Calories Proteins Lipids
Bisteca 260 20 g 20 g
Chuleta 337 16.6 g 30.1 g
Palette 399 28.1 g 31.8 g
Paws 299 15.8 g 26.3 g
Leg 340 15.2 g 31 g

Can pregnant women eat pork?

Pregnant women can consume pork normally, and should only take extra care with the origin of the meat, to avoid the consumption of animals contaminated with cysticercosis.

Another important precaution is to consume meats that are always well cooked or well roasted, as proper cooking eliminates cysticercosis, in addition to washing very carefully the vegetables that will be eaten raw, as they may also be contaminated. Here's how to prevent cysticercosis.

Learn the myths and truths about red and white meat to make the best choice for your health.

Pork has less cholesterol than beef