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Home remedies to fight depression (proven!)


St. John's wort tea, banana smoothie with nuts and concentrated grape juice are great home remedies to help fight stress, anxiety and depression because they contain properties that help the nervous system function.

Anxiety and depression are characterized by moments when the person feels distressed and unwilling to do their daily tasks, without the strength to work or study, for example. Deep sadness and an inability to feel well and motivated can also indicate that the person is depressed and these home remedies can be indicated to make the person feel better, being useful against mild or moderate depression.

1. St John's Wort Tea

St. John's wort, Hypericum perforatum L. , Also known as St. John's wort, has properties that act as a natural anti-depressant in psychoactive disorders, relieving common symptoms such as depressed moodiness, anxiety and nervous agitation, for example.


  • 2g of dry St. John's wort leaves and branches, 1 liter of water.

How to make

Boil the water and place in a container with the leaves of St. John's wort. Cover, let it warm, strain and drink next. It can be sweetened to taste. Take 3 to 4 cups a day.

St. John's wort has been considered a first-line medication in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. Its use is particularly indicated when classic antidepressant drugs are poorly tolerated and also in the treatment of psychological symptoms of menopause.

Cautions when using St. John's wort

Although St. John's wort has an excellent effect on depressive states, it also affects the functioning of various medications, especially those that act on the nervous system, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiepileptics or anxiolytics, for example.

Thus, St. John's wort should only be used by those who do not take any type of medicine or under the guidance of the doctor.

2. Banana Vitamin

This banana vitamin with nuts is an excellent way to naturally treat milder cases of depression, because both bananas and nuts contain substances, such as tryptophan, that affect brain serotonin levels, favoring good mood, scaring away sadness and depression.


  • 1 glass of plain yogurt; 1 ripe banana; 1 handful of nuts; 1 dessert spoon of honey.

How to make

Beat the yogurt and banana in a blender and then add the chopped walnuts and honey, stirring gently. Take this vitamin for breakfast daily, and for best effect, complete the treatment using green banana biomass every day.

If you don't know how to make green banana biomass to fight depression naturally.

3. Saffron tea

Saffron, scientifically named Crocus sativus , is a plant that has been shown to have an effect on depression, stabilizing mood and combating excess anxiety. This power seems to be related mainly to its rich composition in safranal.


  • 1 teaspoon of saffron; 500 ml of water; 1 lemon.

How to make

Add the turmeric in the water and then squeeze the lemon juice into the mixture. Finally, bring to the fire, boil for about 5 minutes, strain and drink the mixture divided twice a day.

In addition, it is also possible to take saffron capsule supplements, with the recommended dose per day being approximately 30 grams. Another option is to add saffron regularly to food, such as rice, for example. Here's how to make a delicious saffron rice recipe.

Cautions when using saffron

Although it has promising results, there are still few studies on the use of turmeric to treat depression in humans. In addition, it is known that very high doses of this plant can be toxic to the body, so one should avoid using turmeric in excess or taking more than 60 mg of this supplement per day.

4. Grape Concentrate Juice

Concentrated grape juice is another way to fight depression and anxiety naturally, being useful to calm the nerves and feel better because the resveratrol present in the fruit improves blood circulation and cerebral oxygenation.

In addition, resveratrol also appears to regulate natural levels of serotonin, which is primarily responsible for the feeling of well-being.


  • 60 ml of concentrated grape juice; 500 ml of water.

How to make

Mix the ingredients and drink 1 glass regularly, before bed. Although it is possible to make grape juice using fresh fruits, the concentration of resveratrol is higher in concentrated juice and therefore it is the most suitable for treatment. However, the grape soft drink that can be found in powder form in supermarkets does not have the same effect.

According to some studies, the bioavailability of resveratrol appears to be greater when associated with piperine, the main compound in pepper. Thus, one can try to add a small amount of black pepper to this juice, for example, to increase the effect of resveratrol against depression.

5. Damiana tea

Damiana, known scientifically as Turnera diffusa , is an adaptogenic plant that helps to reduce the symptoms of depression, since its leaves contain active substances capable of relieving the physical and mental symptoms of stress, in addition to improving sleep and all well-being. be psychological.


  • 2 tablespoons of chopped Damiana leaves, 500 ml of water.

How to make

Add the ingredients in a saucepan and boil for about 15 minutes. Then strain and drink 2 cups a day, for at least 30 days.

Cautions when using Damiana

This plant is not yet fully studied and, therefore, its use should not exceed the indicated use. In addition, it should be avoided by pregnant women and also by diabetics, as it can cause deregulation of blood sugar levels.

6. Valerian root tea

Valerian is a widely used medicinal plant that helps to regulate sleep, allowing the brain to enter a cycle of activity and rest that helps to reduce day-to-day stress and anxiety.

Thus, this tea is perfect to complement the effect of other home remedies, especially for people with sleep problems.


  • 5 g of valerian root; 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation

Add the valerian root in a pan with water and boil for approximately 15 minutes. After putting out the fire, cover the pot and let the tea steep for another 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed.

Home remedies to fight depression (proven!)