Home Home-Remedies Natural options to cure hangover

Natural options to cure hangover


A great home remedy to cure a hangover is the simplest, drinking plenty of water or water. Coconut water is a good option as it contains more minerals such as sodium and potassium and some energy, which helps to regulate the body's chemical reactions.

That's because these fluids help to detoxify faster, eliminating toxins and fighting dehydration, relieving the discomfort of hangover symptoms.

In addition, to start the day well it is advisable to have 1 cup of strong coffee without sugar.

Avoiding very bright places, not smoking and not eating processed or fatty foods are other very important tips to cure any hangover. Also find out which pharmacy remedies help treat hangovers.

1. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is an excellent home remedy to cure hangovers, as it has the property of promoting the elimination of alcohol from the body more quickly.


  • 10 grams of fresh ginger; 3 cups (750) ml of water.

Method of preparation

Cut the ginger into smaller pieces and place in a pan with the water and boil for 15 minutes. After warm, strain, sweeten with honey and drink gradually during the day after drinking.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action and, therefore, it is very effective in eliminating alcohol from the body, curing the hangover more quickly. Discover other benefits of ginger.

2. Honey

Using hangover honey is a very effective way to reduce discomfort. Just take 1 tablespoon of honey every 2 hours during the day of the hangover.

This excellent and natural home remedy works regardless of the type of drink that caused the hangover, because the honey's natural sugar and its anti-toxic characteristics help the body to recover and detoxify.

3. Pear juice

Drinking at least 220 ml of Asian pear juice or 2 fruits just before you start drinking alcohol is an excellent strategy to avoid a hangover the next day.

This effect happens due to the high amount of water, sugar and fibers of the Asian pear that has the power to accelerate the process of elimination of alcohol in the body, helping to avoid symptoms of hangover such as memory loss, sensitivity to light or lack of concentration.

4. Citrus juice

This citrus juice to cure hangovers is an excellent home remedy, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals lost during excessive alcohol consumption.


  • 2 oranges; ¼ melon; ¼ pineapple; 1 kiwi.

Method of preparation

To prepare the citrus juice, just pass all the ingredients through the centrifuge and drink immediately afterwards and go drinking several times a day. The effectiveness of this home remedy against a hangover is due to the properties and nutrients of these fruits, especially the bromelain present in the pineapple, which calms the stomach, the vitamin C present in the oranges, and the restoration of body fluids that is performed by the melon.

5. Tomato juice

Tomato juice is also a great option for those who want to get rid of the hangover because it has a nutrient called lycopene that has an effective action on the liver, reducing the symptoms of the hangover.


  • 4 large, ripe tomatoes; 2 tablespoons of parsley or chives; 1 bay leaf; salt to taste.

Method of preparation

Beat everything in a blender and add some ice water and ice cubes. Take the home remedy preferably on an empty stomach.

To make the treatment even more effective, you should hydrate your body well by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and resting whenever possible.

6. Yogurt with grapefruit

Another possibility is to take a grapefruit vitamin with yogurt as it contains properties that benefit the functioning of the liver, favoring the elimination of toxic substances. Discover other health benefits of grapefruit.


  • 2 grapefruits; 1 glass of plain yogurt; 1/2 glass of sparkling water.

Method of preparation

Beat the grapefruit and yogurt in a blender and add the sparkling water. Consume 2 times a day, for a faster effect.

Watch in this video what else you can take to cure your hangover fast:

Natural options to cure hangover