Home Bulls Best aerobic exercises to lose belly

Best aerobic exercises to lose belly


Many aerobic exercises can be done at home, such as jumping rope, going up and down stairs or dancing in front of the TV, for example, and they are excellent for increasing physical resistance and burning calories, as they stimulate circulation, lung and heart function. heart, in addition to working many muscle groups.

Thus, this type of exercise can be a great way to burn localized fat and lose weight, if it is practiced for at least 30 to 60 minutes, 3 times a week and accompanied by a balanced and balanced diet.

The main aerobic exercises that can be performed at home are:

1. Jump rope

Jumping and coordinated movements with the rope are a great way to burn calories, as well as being practical and fun, but it is important to keep your posture upright, look straight ahead and contract your abdomen. Over time, it is possible to vary the exercises and create different jumping shapes, such as jumping on one leg, turning the rope more than once or jumping walking.

It is important to wear appropriate shoes when jumping rope, in addition to practicing on a flat surface to lessen the impact on the knees. To adjust the rope, step on the middle and lift the ends with the wrists, along the body, which should reach the height below the shoulders. Despite being a very practical physical activity, it is not recommended for people who have knee or shoulder problems.

Training tip: Alternate intense activity with rest to accelerate the burning of calories, skipping 1 minute and resting 1 minute until reaching the desired exercise time. It is possible to burn about 650 calories in 1 h of exercise.

2. Jump

Jumping is a fun way to burn calories, requiring a trampoline and a selection of favorite songs to rhythm your movements. In this activity, it is possible to do various exercises with combinations of choreographies and jumps, in addition to improving the balance and control of the body, but, for this, it is important to keep the spine upright and pay attention to step inside the elastic area.

Training tip: Alternate exercises every minute, such as running with high knees, jumping with legs open and closed, alternating one leg in front of the other (such as scissor movement) and squats on top of the machine.

With this exercise, you can spend between 600 to 800 calories, depending on the intensity of the exercise. Learn more about the benefits of jumping.

3. Up and down stairs

Going up or down stairs can be practiced at any time, being a great way to gain physical endurance, in addition to toning your thighs and glutes. This activity can reach a great intensity for the burning of calories, but people who are in pain due to wear and tear of the knee joints should avoid it.

Training tip: Divide the training into 3 parts of 10 minutes, with rest or other activity between them, to avoid overloading the joints. Over 30 minutes of this activity, it is possible to spend 500 calories.

4. Walk or jog on the treadmill

Walking and running are very effective exercises for weight loss and for improving fitness. For this, it is important that the heartbeat is accelerated, so that you can still speak and do not feel bad, to know that the body is exercising at the correct intensity.

Training tip: Alternate the intensity of the exercise, with 5 minutes of walking and 2 of running, or 1 minute of intense running and 1 of walking, for example.

Walking uses around 400 to 500 calories, while running uses around 500 and 900 calories, depending on the intensity of the exercise. Check out weekly walking workouts and running workouts to lose weight.

5. Repetition of movements



Performing a sequence of rapid movements works a lot of muscles in the body and accelerates weight loss. Exercises such as jumping jacks, climbing, burpees and running in place with elevated knees or with the heel on the butt, for example, can be alternated, so as not to be repetitive.

Training tip: Make circuits of movements, for 5 to 8 minutes, with rest of 30 seconds to 1 minute between them. These exercises, practiced for about 1 h, burn around 400 to 500 calories.

6. Dance

Dancing to favorite tunes, following the choreographies of an application on smartphones or a zumba DVD, for example, are excellent ways to practice physical activity, improve balance and improve thinking, in addition to being very pleasurable.

Training tip: Do rhythmic and intense choreographies, with lots of alternation of movements to accelerate the burning of calories. Practicing 1 hour of dance helps to burn about 500 to 800 calories.

Discover the health benefits of zumba.

7. Cycling

Doing spinning exercises or pedaling on an exercise bike, in addition to burning lots of calories and helping with weight loss, strengthens and tones your butt and legs. It is easy and practical to do, and can be adapted to the resistance of each person, being very good for people who are beginners in the practice of physical exercises.

Training tip: Alternate the speed and intensity of the pedaling every minute so it doesn't get repetitive and accelerates your energy expenditure. Cycling can expend about 500 calories in 1 hour.

Check the caloric expenditure of other aerobic activities.

Tips for beginners

These exercises can not only be practiced at home, but also on the street, when there is time and availability. However, it is important to remember that an evaluation should be made with the general practitioner or cardiologist, so that the physical conditions necessary to safely start physical activities are evaluated.

In addition, staying well hydrated during activities and throughout the day is essential to improve performance. In these exercises, the greater the intensity, duration and frequency of carrying out the activities, the greater the fat burning and resistance gain, but you should never try too hard, to the point of feeling a lot of pain, shortness of breath or dizziness..

Check out other precautions for those who want to practice physical activity at home.

Best aerobic exercises to lose belly