- What is reactive attachment disorder
- Causes of Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Main Symptoms and How to Identify
- How is the treatment
Some children are less affectionate and have difficulty in giving and receiving affection, appearing to be a little cold, as they develop a psychological defense, which can be caused by traumatic or difficult situations, such as being abandoned by their parents or suffering from domestic violence, for example.
This psychological defense is a disorder called Reactive Attachment Disorder, which often arises as a result of child abuse or abuse, being more common in children living in orphanages due to the bad emotional relationship they have with their biological parents.
What is reactive attachment disorder
Reactive Attachment Disorder especially affects babies and children, disrupting the way bonds and relationships are created, and children with this disease are cold, shy, anxious and emotionally detached.
A child with reactive attachment disorder cannot be fully cured, but with the right follow-up he can develop normally, establishing relationships of trust throughout his life.
Causes of Reactive Attachment Disorder
This disorder usually arises in childhood and can have several causes including:
- Child abuse or abuse during childhood; Abandonment or loss of parents; Violent or hostile behavior on the part of parents or caregivers; Repeated changes of caregivers, for example, changing orphanages or families several times; Growing up in environments that limit the opportunity to establish attachment, such as institutions with many children and few caregivers.
This disorder arises especially when children under the age of 5 suffer some separation from the family, or if they are victims of abuse, abuse or neglect during childhood.
Main Symptoms and How to Identify
Some of the symptoms that may indicate the presence of this syndrome in children, adolescents or adults include:
- Feeling of rejection and abandonment; Affective poverty, showing difficulty in showing affection; Lack of empathy; Insecurity and isolation; Shyness and withdrawal; Aggressiveness towards others and the world; Anxiety and tension.
When this disorder occurs in the baby, it is common to drink crying, having a bad mood, avoiding the parents' affection, enjoying being alone or avoiding eye contact. One of the first warning signs for parents is when the child does not differentiate between the mother or father and strangers, with no special affinity, as expected.
How is the treatment
Reactive Attachment Disorder needs to be treated by a trained or qualified professional, as is the case with a psychiatrist or psychologist, who will help the child to create bonds with family and society.
In addition, it is very important that parents or guardians of the child also receive training, counseling or therapy, so that they can learn to deal with the child and the situation.
In children living in orphanages, the monitoring of social workers can also help in understanding this disorder and strategies so that it can be overcome, making the child capable of giving and receiving affection.