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Understand what fertilization is


Fertilization or fertilization is the name given when the sperm is able to penetrate the mature egg giving rise to new life. Fertilization can be achieved naturally through intimate contact between the man and the woman during the fertile period or in the laboratory, being then called in vitro fertilization.

In vitro fertilization is a form of assisted reproduction indicated when the couple is unable to conceive after 1 year of attempts, without using any contraceptive method. In it, both the woman's mature eggs and sperm are harvested and after joining them in the laboratory, the embryo is placed inside the woman's uterus that should carry the pregnancy through to the end.

When the couple is unable to conceive naturally after some time of trying, one must assess why they become infertile, that is, unable to fertilize before starting the process in the laboratory, as some causes can be treated.

Main causes of infertility

Some of the most common causes of infertility are smoking and being overweight, in addition to hormonal changes and situations such as:

  • Complications of Chlamydia; Endometriosis; Ligation of the uterine tubes; Impairment of spermatozoa, these being few, slow or abnormal eVasectomy.

Whatever the cause, before starting in vitro fertilization, it is mandatory to try to eliminate it naturally, with the use of medications or through surgery, if necessary. An example of a frequent problem in women that prevents pregnancy is obstruction of the tubes.

If even after several attempts, the couple is unable to conceive, they can resort to in vitro fertilization, but they must be informed that this assisted fertilization technique has risks and the baby may be born with genetic problems.

How to increase the chances of pregnancy

To increase the chances of pregnancy, you can adopt a healthier lifestyle with less stress, good nutrition, physical exercise and treat other related diseases. In addition, it is recommended:

  • To men: do not wear underwear that is too tight, as they smother the region, increasing the temperature of the testicles, being harmful to sperm; For the couple: Having sex every other day on the days before menstruation.

If it is not possible to become pregnant while taking all these precautions, in vitro fertilization may be one of the options to be followed and this can be performed in clinics and private hospitals or through SUS, completely free of charge.

When pregnancy does not happen naturally, it is possible to use assisted reproduction techniques to increase the chances of having a child.

Understand what fertilization is