The home treatment for low back pain consists of resting for 2-3 days, using hot compresses and stretching exercises.
However, when there is no improvement in symptoms with these measures, it is important to seek medical help to perform imaging tests, such as x-rays and MRIs, to check for herniated discs, for example.
But in any case, before the consultation, and for light to moderate pain relief, what you can do at home to relieve pain and discomfort is:
1. Rest
To rest, the person must lie on their backs, with their knees bent at 90ยบ, keeping their backs fully supported on the bed. This position decreases the pressure on the intervertebral discs and relaxes the paravertebral muscles, located next to the spine vertebrae.
Rest in this position should be maintained initially, and it should not be longer than 5-6 days, but it should still not be total, and a person can get up to maintain some movement throughout the day, because complete inactivity is also harmful to the spine, causing greater inconvenience. If it is difficult to sit, stand and walk even after resting, a medical consultation is recommended.
2. Hot compress
Thermal gel bags that are sold in pharmacies and orthopedic stores are great for relaxing your muscles, promoting pain relief. The warm bag should be placed in the painful area for 15-20 minutes, but it should be wrapped in a diaper or paper towel, so as not to burn the skin.
But it is also possible to make a thermal bag at home using dry grains, such as rice, flaxseed or pumpkin seeds, for example. Simply place the grains or seeds, inside a small pillowcase or in a diaper, close tightly and heat up in the microwave whenever you need to use, for 2-3 minutes.
See how to make this homemade compress, and more tips to relieve back pain in this video:
If there are any sores on the back that are red or hot, this hot compress should not be used because it can please the inflammation, in addition it is also contraindicated in case of fever.
3. Lengthen the spine
Stretching exercises for the spine are also indicated because they help fight pain, improve blood circulation and promote elasticity. Each stretch should be maintained for a minimum of 30 seconds, and should be repeated 2-3 times.
To stretch it is necessary:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees (the soles of your feet should be in contact with the bed); Pass your hands behind your leg, holding firmly; Pull one leg towards your torso (trying to rest your thigh) in the abdomen); keep this position still, while breathing calmly; you should feel your back stretching a little, but you must respect the limit of the pain; only stretch with one leg at a time.
If you feel a lot of pain or discomfort in that position, or if you are simply unable to stay in that position, you should not perform this exercise, and make an appointment for a doctor. In the case of severe and disabling pain, this exercise is contraindicated and the hot compress should not bring the necessary relief, and for this reason the treatment must be guided by the orthopedist.
When to use medicine
The drugs should only be used under medical advice, because the overuse of painkillers like paracetamol can harm the liver. However, there are anti-inflammatory ointments that are formed in the pharmacy or drugstore, which can be used to perform a massage at the site of the pain. To use, apply about 3-4 cm of ointment on the back and make circular movements until the skin completely absorbs the product. Plasters can also be used and usually bring pain relief in a short time, but are more suitable in case of muscle pain, which can arise after making some physical effort.
In cases of severe or disabling pain, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs or even corticosteroids to control the symptoms. After evaluating the results of exams such as MRI, it can be concluded that it is necessary to undergo physical therapy, which brings symptom relief, restores mobility and the ability to perform daily tasks, or to have surgery, to definitively cure a herniated disc, for example.