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Be alert to signs of allergy


In order to identify the cause of the allergy and be able to treat it in a more specific and appropriate way, it is important to be alert to the main signs of allergy, which include:

  • Itching; Blisters; Redness; Constant coughing; Feeling of shortness of breath; Repeated sneezing; Appearance of red eyes; Abdominal pain and vomiting.

In case of allergy, only one sign or several may appear at the same time, and these can be caused by products such as sunscreen or deodorant, medicines or food for example. Find out what to do in case of Deodorant Allergy by clicking here.

In the most severe cases, an anaphylactic reaction may even occur, which is the most severe allergy situation and which can put the individual in danger of life, being necessary to take him or her immediately to the emergency room.

The signs of allergy can appear at any time, however, they are more frequent in babies, young children and people with weakened immune systems, such as patients with HIV or cancer.

Main causes of allergy

It is necessary to identify the cause of the allergy to prevent it from recurring and to interfere with day-to-day or work activities. Thus, the main causes of allergy include:

  • Food intake such as seafood, strawberries or eggs; Use of medicines such as Penicillin or Prednisone; Insect bites, such as bees or mosquitoes; Pollens, dust or animal hair; Materials such as acrylic or latex; Excessive sun or heat.

However, it is not always easy to identify the cause of the allergy, and in such cases, you should consult an allergist to do an allergy test and correctly identify its cause. Find out more about this test at: Allergy test.

In addition, to help the doctor identify the cause of the allergy, note the symptoms, the order of appearance and its duration. For example, if the symptoms worsen in the spring or fall, it may be an allergy to pollens.

What to do in case of allergy

When the cause of the allergy is known, it is important to avoid contact with what caused the allergic reaction. For example, if the individual knows that he is allergic to shellfish he cannot eat it or if he reacts to the cat's fur he cannot contact the animal, for example.

In case the individual does not yet know the cause of the allergy and presents symptoms, such as itching or redness of the skin, for example, it is important to go to the emergency room to check the need to take an antihistamine drug, such as Clemastina, to reduce the symptoms and treat allergy.

To learn more about allergy symptoms see: Allergy Symptoms.

Be alert to signs of allergy