Home Bulls Benefits of garlic and onion in fighting cholesterol

Benefits of garlic and onion in fighting cholesterol


Regular consumption of certain foods such as garlic and onions contribute to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood, thanks to the presence of the substances allicin and aliin that have a hypotensive, antioxidant and hypolipidemic effect, which act by reducing the formation of free radicals, in addition to repairing injuries and protect cell integrity.

As the amount of antioxidant substances present in garlic and onions may vary depending on the type of planting performed, it is better to prefer foods of organic origin because they have less additives and pesticides and a greater amount of substances beneficial to health. A good strategy is to plant garlic and onion at home, to consume regularly.

Studies have shown that the daily consumption of meals seasoned with garlic and onions fights bad cholesterol by up to 40% and in addition, it has been observed that it also reduces gall stones by 80%. However, this consumption must be daily and does not exclude the need for other dietary precautions such as avoiding all types of fat and excess carbohydrates in the diet.

How to consume

To take full advantage of all the benefits that garlic and onion can bring to the control of dyslipidemia, it is advisable to consume 4 cloves of garlic and 1/2 onion per day.

A very easy strategy to achieve this goal is to use garlic and onion as a form of seasoning, but for those who do not appreciate these flavors, you can choose to take onion and garlic capsules that are found in health food stores.

Some recipes that contain raw garlic and onions are garlic salads and water, but if you can't eat because of the intense flavor or aroma, you can also use these cooked but never fried spices.

Cooking rice, beans and meat with garlic and onion gives a pleasant and healthy flavor, but you can also try the garlic pate to pass the bread and bake in the oven or prepare a tuna pate with garlic, onion and olives, which has many benefits for heart health.

Recipe for tuna pate for cholesterol

This pâté is very easy to prepare, yields a lot and can be used to spread on bread or toast.


  • 3 tablespoons plain yogurt1 can of natural tuna6 pitted olives1 / 2 onion3 garlic cloves to taste


Chop the onion into very small pieces, mash the garlic and then mix with the other ingredients until everything is very uniform. If you prefer, put the pâté in the blender for a few seconds to make it more uniform and less thick.

Watch the following video and see other tips that contribute to lower cholesterol:

Benefits of garlic and onion in fighting cholesterol