Home Bulls Baby 0 to 6 months: how to feed and when to give new foods

Baby 0 to 6 months: how to feed and when to give new foods


Until 6 months of age, breast milk is the ideal food for the baby, there is no need to give the baby anything more, even if it is water or teas for colic. However, when it is not possible to breastfeed, infant formula specific to the baby's age should be given, in quantities and times according to the pediatrician's guidance.

Complementary feeding should start at 6 months for babies who are breastfeeding, and at 4 months for children using infant formula, and should always start with grated fruits or foods in the form of porridge, such as purees and mashed rice.

What should the baby eat until 6 months?

Until 6 months of age, pediatricians recommend that the baby be fed exclusively with breast milk, since it has all the nutrients necessary for the baby's healthy growth and development. Check the composition of breast milk.

Breastfeeding should start soon after birth and whenever the baby is hungry or thirsty. In addition, it is important that it be freely demanded, which means that there are no fixed times or limits on quantities for feedings.

It is common for children who breastfeed to eat a little more than those who take infant formula, as breast milk is more easily digested, which makes hunger appear faster.

Advantages of breast milk

Breast milk has all the nutrients necessary for the baby's growth, bringing more benefits than infant formulas, which are:

  • Facilitate digestion; Moisturize the baby; Carry antibodies that protect the baby and strengthen your immune system; Reduce risk of allergies; Avoid diarrhea and respiratory infections; Decrease the risk of the baby developing obesity, diabetes and hypertension in the future; Improve development the child's mouth.

In addition to the benefits for the baby, breastfeeding is free and also brings benefits to the mother, such as preventing breast cancer, helping with weight loss and strengthening the relationship between mother and child. Breastfeeding is recommended until 2 years of age, even if the child already eats well with normal family meals.

Right position to breastfeed

During breastfeeding, the baby should be positioned so that the mouth is wide open to suck the nipple of the mother without causing injuries and wounds, which causes pain and makes breastfeeding difficult.

In addition, the child should be allowed to dry all the milk from one breast before switching to the other, as this way it receives all the nutrients from the feed and the mother prevents the milk from getting stuck in the breast, causing pain and redness, and preventing the feeding from being efficient. See how to massage the breast to remove the cobbled milk.

Infant formula feeding

To feed the baby with infant formula, one should follow the pediatrician's recommendations on the type of formula suitable for the age and the amount to be given to the child. It is also important to remember that children using infant formulas need to drink water, since industrialized milk is not enough to maintain their hydration.

In addition, the use of porridges up to 1 year of age and cow's milk up to 2 years of age should be avoided, as they are difficult to digest and increase colic, in addition to favoring excessive weight gain.

See everything you need to know about milks and infant formulas for your baby to grow up healthy.

When to start complementary feeding

For breastfeeding children, complementary feeding should start at 6 months of age, while babies using infant formula should start consuming new foods at 4 months.

Complementary feeding should start with fruit porridge and natural juices, followed by simple and easily digestible savory foods, such as rice, potatoes, pasta and shredded meats. Meet some baby food for babies from 4 to 6 months.

Baby 0 to 6 months: how to feed and when to give new foods